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Non Drinker? Why..

A little over 10 years without alcohol and a few other things. Just can't do it severely allergic if you know what I mean.
I still like a beer but never when riding. I was ok up to about 30 then noticed the reactions slowing. Quit while I was ahead and still riding at 57. :ENGLAND
This is a great thread, I am happy to see so many non drinkers and recovering alcoholics, I dont feal so alone after 24 years sober this May, Thank you all for the support:s
Stopped drinking this past new years. I am trying to stop smoking, and haven't had one of those since new years either. I just know that if i have a drink, a cigarette just seems so appealing and more then likely will follow. I don't want to risk it. Funny thing is, I don't want to have a drink anymore either. I have a passing thought every now and again, but thats all that it ever is, a passing thought. I have had some good times while drinking, but the older I get, the less it is a necessity. I've actually lost about 20 lbs, but 10 were gained in the first 2 weeks of January, :newsmile049: so really I lost just 10.
Life is much better without it.
I like a drink over dinner or out with friends. I've never felt that I wanted more and more. I've never liked drinking too much because tbh more than a few beers and it kills my stomach and head so avoiding excess is not noble or intelligent for me - it's just I can't take too much sauce anyway :)

But I have one golden rule that I have NEVER broken. When I'm riding, I don't touch a drop - not a sniff of grog. Ever. And I never will.
the wife and i actually quit doing the chapters poker book last year, simple fact of getting up to 10 bar/stops in an afternoon where you must make a purchase was just tooo much to follow around .
actually had an older lady see me drinking a soda( mountain dew is my weekness) saw my safety officer patch and asked if that was why i was't drinking.