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Non Drinker? Why..

Before you get that second malt watching tv, look in mirror and ask that guy if he really wants it. Most probably if asked he won't. Tell that guy for me to keep going, he's gonna make it!!!
Meant to quote whacko
I have a beer or glass of single malt from time to time. Mayby 3 or 4 drinks a week. Have to admit I like the effect......relaxing. I can say I have never drank to excess and never drink when driving a car or my bike.

However.....and here it is.....bad alcoholic tendancies in my family. My dad, two grandfathers, grnadmother, 3 uncles. Some got sober and some still struggle. My twin brother and I swore we would watch out for each other and drank in college.....again...never to excess and we both swore we would never let alcohol take control. That came to a screeching halt last year. While I was deployed for a year I found out my brother lost his job due to drinking and his wife left him for a time. Went completely over the edge......drinking daily to the point of dt's if he tried to quit. Thankfully he is recovering and he is back with his family.

I have a great career and a blessed life. Am I taking a chance on ruining it by continuing to drink.....even only 3 - 4 a week. Again I have to admit I like the relaxing feeling and find myself looking forward to that glass of single malt while watching the news at night. I am open to all comments from you guys!
I used to like the beer on the weekends and somewhat looked forward to that Friday getting home from work to start my weekend. Usually 1 or 2 beers while watching football, at night or during the day while working on something, never in excess, never really even buzzed. Since I gave it up I have thought back on it. Did I really need it or was it just something to drink and time to sit down and relax...truth just sitting down and relaxing was all I needed. Nothing good ever came out of me having a drink by myself or with others, only the chance of something worse. When I realized how others looked at me for having that drink that is what changed it for me. Not that I care what others think, but I do not want someone to make a mistake cause they saw me do something. They don't know I only had a beer or a drink all they know is at that time I was having one, so it must be ok.

At the end of the day, if our actors and celebrities would think about how many people saw them do something and how they influence others maybe they would change their lives a bit. Regardless of who you are there is always someone that is looking up to you, my motto don't be a stumbling block to others.

This is not to say that I am better than anyone else, I respect those that drink and don't try to impose my views on others to change them. When I got saved, God changed me, and this is my outlook and I believe God does not want me to make another believer or non-believer stumble.
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I would like to commend those,for whatever reason that have figured out that there is something that the can't control, and at the very same time are controling it.

Alcohol is a pretty easy and relavant topic to relate to. I also think about those who are addicted to other things (money, power, job etc.). To me the common point is when you realize you have or will hurt yourself or others and you could have prevented it.

I am not a religious person, but I hope that those who need help and support on a "bad day" find it through their faith, friends, family, riding group etc. Especially those who struggle quietly, alone and keep going.
I turned 50 back in November and have two very good reasons I NEVER had a drink of alcohol at all....

The first one was having a Father who was a career 37yr PA State Police Sgt.I always respected him and knew that consumption of alcohol would not only break his heart it would have broken my (EDIT)
at the time too,LOL.

The second reason was when I got my license to drive I knew HP and alcohol didn't mix.Dad helped me make the cars fly as long as I kept the street racing to a minimum and spending money to go fast meant no money for booze.What little I had left was used up on the women and the occasional citation,LOL.

In all seriousness I had a very close friend pass to the other side when we were young guns due to his obsession with booze and fast cars.We were two who spent alot of time together and I was devastated with his passing due to driving while drunk.I vowed while carrying him to his resting spot I would never touch the stuff and I live that truth everyday yet today..........Andy

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Been quit drinking around 20 yrs.Been quit drugs over 12 yrs.Quit smoking
over 3 yrs ago.Man I was just 1 bad habit.As has been said it is really nice
to go down the road & know if I get stopped I've got nothing to hide.The
wife & I seem to have a lot more fun since we are both straight.I guess
it's just part of getting old.
This last summer I had an agreement with my two best riding friends as far drinking and riding, we all agreed to watch out for each other and our drinking. for the first time in a long time there was no one eyed rides home. not that it was a constant problem but once a season is way to much. most of the time its one stop one drink every hour or so. ive been getting good at drinking a soda every other stop. having kids and near death experience has changed my thinking and so far its working. Save the heavy drinking for bon fires with friends and nice hard ground to sleep on.
It's good to know there are so many non-drinkers. I have one now and then, but I never liked the taste, thats all.
I quit cold turkey over 20 yrs. ago. I never got in any trouble because of drinking, but once I start I won't stop until pass out or run out of anything to drink. I quit because I like it waaaaaaaaaaay too much. Not one drop in over 20 yrs now.