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Is Harley Davidson Bikes Overpriced?

I have spent many years riding Jap sports bikes, my favorite being the TL1000r and the GSXR 750, however I never paid more than $7500 for one of them and after I was done tearing them up I still got more than $5000 from almost all of them (I changed bikes a lot). However I was buying a cheap machine who’s community was largely based around people that were not in it for having fun, rather trying to be more bad-ass than the guy next to them. In my many years of riding sport bikes I never made any good friends. However, now that I have been riding Harleys for a few years, I have found a community that helps each other out and largely wants to befriend anyone that shares the same riding beliefs and ideals. I believe this has to do, mostly, with the fact that Harleys have an unmistakable high quality that is represented by its price tag, both of which cause the owner to have pride in his/her bike. Furthermore, the heritage and American pride that is represented in the bar and shield is completely exclusive to Harleys. I have had my Deuce for 2 years longer and my Road King 1 year longer than I have owned any Jap bike, and I don’t plan on selling either of them any time soon, or ever for that matter.
without reading all 22 pages of this thread.

Having just bought a used HD i can say they are in fact WAAAAY over priced. 23k for a roadking? 22k for a softtail?! all with little motors? Even the used prices are ridiculas.

I know alot of it has to do with dealer pricing, cause MSRP from HD doesnt really seam over priced on a few of their bikes. And the Dealers mark the bikes up big time.

you can go get an aircooled yamaha, that looks similiar, with a bullet proof motor, that has way better brakes, better performance, a bigger motor (102ci, or the new 113ci) all the add ons for half the price, and in this market today still holds their resale rather well.

But HD is a brand marketing name, and HD knows that us common folk will buy them up no matter what the price. Personally if HD would atleast add some better brakes, a bigger motor over 105 ci stock, better forks, and refine the motor for what the dealer prices are they would have a bigger market share and not be vieing for first place with Honda.

Having said all that, i am glad i bought my Heritage, seeing that nothing looks and sounds like a HD....
A Harley is indeed an expensive extra for most working class folk...but oh, the distinction of the machines...

Even a blind man knows a Harley Davidson when it zips by him.

I have had three new Harleys and have never regretted buying a one of them. You know really a guys needs about three Harleys....:newsmile093:
Surely you are joking here?

A good percentage of the HD parts come from overseas and they are not of great quality like they use to be years back. They cut corners like every other manufacturer and it's evident when you work on these bikes that there are many areas that could be improved for the benefit of the buyer. It's the bottom line and Harley's commitment to their share holders that keeps them from being a company that builds the best machine on the road.
I know myself that there are not many companies that would survive having no email address and the customer service is at the bottom of the lineup when they give you the rehearsed answers that they do.
Have you ever tried to contat them?
Be prepared to sit on hold for a while, a looooong while.
As far as customer service, if they relied on just that to stay in business, they would be long gone, the dealers themselves are included here too.

Glider actually hit the nail on the head, yes the HD may be overpriced only because it had to cut corners to be affordable and not a piece of "un-obtainium" just to STAY IN BUSINESS. The motorcycle industry is littered with Corporate casulties. The saving grace is that there is such a huge and faithful following of Fans & Enthusiasts like you who drive the Aftermarket industry moving the V-Twin marque forward. Rent the DVD "What Happened to the Electric Car" and you will see where good ideas go, if you do not sustain the Aftermarket industry, Big Oil and Venture Capitalists of the world.

The price of admission can be reasonable (I found mine while browsing on the Internet for my gal for something unrelated "luck") and the reward can only be measured by our SMILES/MILE, as nothing else really matters! The fact that fans like us ride, tinker, tweek, personalize or just plain make it a work of art is just part of the price, expensive maybe, priceless absolutely!

How's that for a 1 week Harley convert :small3d026:
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Would you consider Ferrari to be over-priced? Afterall they are just a car. It's about style, ride, performance etc etc.

Harley's are a one of a kind motorcycle and having owned most of the Japanese brands I wouldn't put my name to anything other than a HD.

Big Al
Would you consider Ferrari to be over-priced? Afterall they are just a car. It's about style, ride, performance etc etc.

Harley's are a one of a kind motorcycle and having owned most of the Japanese brands I wouldn't put my name to anything other than a HD.

Big Al

Big Al

Comparing the cost of a Ferrari and the car itself against a Harley is like comparing a fat lady and miss America:D
Again with out reading all 22 pages..

A Harley is not just a motorcycle it is a work of art. I know I am not alone when I say I will go out in the garage at night and just stare at her for a while, at least I hope I am not alone?. I waited alooooooong time for my bike, I have known for a long time, probably since my early twenties that I wanted a Harley someday and it took me till my upper thirties to finally own one. I knew I would have never been happy on anything else, so I never bothered even looking at anything else. It was worth the wait...:D
Big Al

Comparing the cost of a Ferrari and the car itself against a Harley is like comparing a fat lady and miss America:D

They can both sing - but I know which one I'd rather look at!! :p

Point taken though,,, still,,, if,, say, you compared a Harley to a BMW - I know which one I'd rather have. And, Irish Hog, you're not alone in going out to the garage and looking at a work of art - if you own it - you've earned it - so enjoy it!!

At the end of the day it's a matter of taste or horses for courses, as they say.
Big Al
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Irish Hog You are not alone. You have to go out to the garage and just look. This is how you create your own piece of art. You focus on the bike and build her into the masterpiece that makes your dreams come true.I find that as I am wiping her down I focus on every detail just as if I was creating a painting.