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Watch out 4 those deer (GORY PICS)

Im currently having a problem with my knee. I got an infection.:newsmile038: it came from the inside out. I called the doc and he called me in an antibiotic to get me started. He is going to see me Thursday. I had a raised area come up after I started therapy. As the week went on it got bigger.


After the 4th session it broke open. Looks really nasty underneath. It has a hole under the raised section that is about the size of a pencil.

Well - I am glad you called your doctor and got antibiotics. My Mom had a really bad back surgery that did not go well. It was not healing from the "inside - out". Which is how most wounds should heal. He may have you pack that with gauze - to make it heal at a much slower rate - and - properly from the inside out. Otherwise you end up with a Pocket - like you said - that gets infected. Good gosh - hurts me to see the pictures. Are you walking around better - Is therapy going well? Here is a question for you - You gonna ride again? Have you thought about it? My Brother hit an old ladies back rear wheel well - when she backed out of her bush lined driveway. His bike came to a dead stop sitting upright - jammed into her wheel well. His girlfriend died. He actually went to the liscense bureau and had his endorsement taken off - boy he was mad when I got my bike.
Well - I am glad you called your doctor and got antibiotics. My Mom had a really bad back surgery that did not go well. It was not healing from the "inside - out". Which is how most wounds should heal. He may have you pack that with gauze - to make it heal at a much slower rate - and - properly from the inside out. Otherwise you end up with a Pocket - like you said - that gets infected. Good gosh - hurts me to see the pictures. Are you walking around better - Is therapy going well? Here is a question for you - You gonna ride again? Have you thought about it? My Brother hit an old ladies back rear wheel well - when she backed out of her bush lined driveway. His bike came to a dead stop sitting upright - jammed into her wheel well. His girlfriend died. He actually went to the liscense bureau and had his endorsement taken off - boy he was mad when I got my bike.

Oh Wow!! That is terrible that your brothers girlfriend died. Is he going to get his endorsement again since you're riding?

Im walking ok after Im up awhile. When I first get up Im real stiff for about 10 or so steps. Therapy is going pretty good. At least I think so. Im definately going to ride again. Im really missing not being on the bike with the weather warming up. The first thing I asked my surgeon after surgery was "Will I be able to ride?" He said Yes, in time. So that gives me something to look forward too. Might be awhile before I can ride alone. But hubby has a fatboy and we are planning a trip. 3 hrs one way. I may have to get on the bike from the opposite side. Depends on my left leg. Right now my leg cant hold me up. It buckles. Therapist said I dont have enough strength in it yet. I have very little right now but it is improving, slowly. But hey, at least I still have my leg and I will ride again!:D
Im back from the orthopedic surgeons office and I have to go in tomorrow morning for surgery to have my knee cleaned out.
Surgery went well. The doc said he cant figure out why it got infected. He went in and irrigated and debreeded my knee and repaired the injury site. He thinks it might be coming from underneath the plates in my leg. He said it is to soon to take and of the hardware out. Said it needs to be there for a year. Then he can take it out. He said he cleaned it up real good and took care of it but will have to see if it happens again. He said he is mystified as to why it happened after 4 months and was healed on the outside. But hey, you know me..........I gotta be different!!!! When he first walked in the presurgery room to mark my leg my mom said "There's that good lookin hunk" I cracked up!!! He even started laughing. It was a great time with wonderful people at Miami Valley Hospital. I enjoyed myself! Can ya believe it!!! hehehe
Glad to hear that surgery went well, hopefully that is the last time you have to have that knee opened up. Now lets get that knee all healed up, we are all pulling for you and I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
I hope you have a quick recovery and back to riding

thank god it came this not worst

you have to relax and tell us about your situation later