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Want to get ticked off - Read this

I like riding Harley, some other prefer something else. I do not let it ruin my pleasure.

That kind of hatred? just makes me feel sorry for the writer. I am sure he is very enjoyable company otherwise - or maybe not.
We shouldn't even be wasting our time reading this junk. I skimmed it, then skimmed a couple email responses. One things stood out in those, he rides by himself, with no one... Pray for him, since he obviously has a lot of anger and hatred, thus leaving him alone. His anger towards Harley probably has to do somewhat with the fact that we like to ride in groups... Although I do like to ride alone too.

That will be the first and last time I visit his site, he has way too much negativity towards others and not worth getting angry over someone that posts this kind of stuff just to irritate people and get a response. HIs email responses are longer then the orignial email.

Agreed, we shouldn't waste our time on this. I know why I like my Harley and why I ride, that's all that counts. :)
I have tried to care one whit about what anyone thinks of what I ride. I really have. Spent a lot of time worrying about it.

I failed miserably.

Am I missing something?That whole article is based on Harleys lack of performance.Didnt they just win a drag series against the Japanese bikes?
The guy is entitled to his opinion. It is a stupid opinion, but it is his opinion. I eide what I want no matter what anyone says or thinks.
This is what I love about living in a free country, anyone can say what they want, but it don't make it true!