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Want to get ticked off - Read this

I dont need nor do I want to go faster than my Hog goes. Dude probably lost his girlfriend to a Harley rider.
So if this guy and his close friends are so wise as to what is a REAL American Motorcycle is... why hasen't his R&D got bankrolled into "whatever his name is" motor company?????
Re: No time for it

The guy sounds like a politician. Just a mindless diatriabe that could have been said in about 4 sentences. I have had quite a few sport bike guys comment on how quick my 08 V-Rod is. I guess if I took off the chrome parts it would go faster. worked:newsmile055:

Actually, I stole his girl and his dog.....kept the dog:newsmile090:
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Re: No time for it

I looked at his main website. This fella sure has a lot of time to write and ramble on about fictional stuff.
great artical , well writtin , he has done his homework ,I am really glad that i (EDITED) him off ,for all the reasons he mentioned .im not in a hurry , I make a lot of noise ,there is a (EDITED) load of chrome , i am middle aged and loving it when i was a child i rode as a child ,now i ride like a man and as for bad , Circumstances alter cases ,altercations alter faces. I am not the same as everyone else I am a biker . but I am not the same as other bikers I am a harley davidson rider , we few ,we happy few .
A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community
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Blah, blah, blah.
All I saw was what some misguided scrawny, little short guy syndrome punk rattle on about a bike he doesn't understand. Don't get me wrong, I'll ride with sport bikes, it's still the rider that makes the bike. That rider has his little girl panties in a twist.
what you got about short guy's huh huh, you startin or what come on then i'll ave ya, yeah i will, hang on a mo dont go any were just got to get me ladders so i can get over your knees................................clank clatter bang...................dunk dunk im back now where we oh yeah i remember come on then tough tall guy........................:newsmile100::D:60:

You should have gone to Gloucester after all Hobbit instead of brawling with ladders and stilts. :newsmile100:
Naw...........don't make me mad to see stupidity at all..Simply he's upset coz he can't get one....I seen it so many times...Harley's wanna bee's....I ride with friends ..not with Motorcycles..I my opinion folks like him are the reason the country's in the shape its in ............No pride!.....Born Again American
yes i do tend to go on a bit tima but,you cant help yourself when you read this type of stuff, is that a monkey stealng your classic ? Im Irish and we dont manufacture motorcycles,german ,italian , british , nipon , russian ,and american , I have tasted them all and there is none so sweet .but this guy has some real issues here, I have a bmw k100 nearly 20 years old all still original,165 000 miles ,runs like new , gave it to a mate to tour europe , tyres cables brakes petrol, no problems , it is much faster , more economical,handles better, the tour pack fits a lot more in , its not as expensive to insure or tax,parts are cheeper,the list goes on but I love parking it up to take out the king ? I think if you dont get it you just dont get it.And this guy sounds like he just isnt gettin it !