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Missouri members

Welcome, I've probably seen you out there, I'm just North of you in Arnold.

howdy ! glad to see more of us "missoura mules" here! Im just west of you back down I-44 outside a little spot in the road - Bourbon. have to get around and get a ride going some Sat. or Sun.
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Hope everyone is doing good and getting some riding time in!!!

Am in Cedar Hill here . btw anyone going to the Todd Nicely benefit Car and Bike show on the 31st of July. He's the young Marine ...only the second to survive a quadruple amputation. Am in the PGR and we did a Welcome Home Mission for him and one of the most amazing kids i ever seen. For any further info just put Todd Nicely benefit car Show and Auction in your search engine . It will be in Arnold Missouri.
Hey "neighbors" - Hope all is well and some of you are getting a few rides in when you can. Supposed to be great weather from now till Monday of next week. *80 to *85 this weekend --- YEP the Mrs. & I are hittin the blacktop just dont know which way we're headin yet.

Be safe and ride careful!!!!

Imperial, Mo here. Bought my 1st hog in Sept. and try to get away from work for small runs on my UC.