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Hobbit ,I could only dream of having one , I own 7 motorcycles , 2 cars a truck 2 backhoes and a excavator a 54x26ft garage with tons of tools and shop equipment ,I would trade everything to own one, If yove ever seen one and listen to one run you would really appreciate the workmanship quality ,they sound like no other V 45 machine ever built
Yes another fine crafted piece of art , just a all around great machine and fast , I go to 2 big antique motorcycle shows every year 1 in PA and the other in NY ,I go by myself so I can take it all in with nobody to bother me I spend 2 day at each show .
Yes does his club do the rallys , there is a BSA club by me and every year they do a vintage rally ,I dont no the complete rally but I sit out in a area on a old scenic byway on rt 97 in NY called hawks nest run and just marval as they go by in all there vintage glory .