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Pledge is great cleaner

The WD40 will cut grease but there are better products for cleaning and a bit more reasonable. Simple green will work well and is easy to use.
I dont use the wd 40 as a cleaner.When winter sets in I use it as a fog to prevent moisture and condensation from penetrating in unwanted areas.It doubles as a lubricant for often neglected areas as well as the obvious.You must clean it off the rubber and lines after applying.When you know your putting your scoot away for 2 or 3 months it works great.The chrome,bolts,linkage on my 12 year old springer is near perfect.Ive done this from day 1.The simple green does work well to remove the wd for that first rinse off in the spring.I have used pledge in the past and am not a big fan.It seems to leave a residue allowing pollen to stick to it.My personal choice for paint and chrome is Presta 3000 hand glaze.Very easy to apply and protects without the residue.
Tried Pledge this past weekend for the first time and liked the look it left for sure. I have to make sure I start at the top of the bike so I'm not going back over places from over spray.
A strict regiment here in the north east.As a painter I stick with hand glazes on paint and chrome.They are very easy to apply and designed to hide minor surface imperfections.Every winter the bike is put away with a spray of WD40.After wipeing the rubber and lines dry a hosing of white wall cleaner in the spring reveals not a single rusty bolt.

so you spray WD40 on the whole bike when you store it for the winter? on painted and chrome?
PLEDGE ROCKS! I met some crazy dude once who suggested it years ago and I haven't looked back. But seriously the lemon version draws bees to my bike.
I'm gonna try the Orange Pledge (should freak people out on a purple bike!)... I wish they made GRAPE pledge!

Okay, so a regular wash, then DRY? and then pledge? and then wipe her down?

Anyone care to wirite down exactly how they do it?
You have it pretty much figured out. Just don't over apply the pledge. It only needs to be used sparingly.
Thanks, gonna try it after the Michigan race is over...

1. a regular wash (and wax where necessary)
2. then Dry (using my craftsman leaf blower
3. then pledge, used sparingly
4. then wipe her down! I use microfiber cloths...

Also, I'll be sure to keep it away from all the rubber (hoses, belt, and especially TIRES!

*PS, sorry if I double post, for some reason the first POST never seems to work (I guess I am moderated?)*
*PS, sorry if I double post, for some reason the first POST never seems to work (I guess I am moderated?)*

No problem , it happens.

No need to wax either, I never used any wax on mine from new, just the pledge.

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