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Motorcycle Bell?

The bell, like most of the biker gear, is just more of the "costume" todays motorcycle riders indulge in. I have owned Harleys for 42 years and never seen such (EDIT) in my life. Makes me sick. I started riding to hear the motor, guess thats out now and fringe is in.

my 2cents

A Friendly Reminder - Harley Davidson Community

Yeah, I guess things like custom paint and skulls must be fringe as well. What do you care what others like, chances are they don't care what you do. Anyway, ride safe with or without your fringe.
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my wife wants to get me one but we haven't seen one we like yet, any good source of a large selection?
Also, what do you attatch it to?

You are supposed to hang it from the lowest point. Most hang it from the underneath of the swingarm. Ive seen alot on ebay.
I have been ridding for years, and always had a bell on the bikes never a mist hap
I only had my new bike for a week when a lady hit me in the side, destroying left saddle
bag and all the hardware. I had not had the time to put her bell on, and sure enough
the gremlins jump on. $ 3000 later I’m back on the road with Bell a ringing
I was wondering about the bell thing also,Going to take the wife tomarrow to the bike shop so she can buy me one.
I stay away from mystical stuff. I believe it's real... so I go for the "Other side", "The Big Chief" "The Real thing" the "Man Up Stairs". I like to go straight to the top when it comes to my safety.:superman
Its a freindship thing that bonds you and your friends together. When I here it ring it makes me think of the great times I have had and to keep my bike in tip top shape.
My wife got me a bell today ,last night i told her about them after reading all the post.I did not help her pick it out or pay for it wanted to make sure i get the full effect of the bell thing.:D
My bell is inscribed with "Never ride faster than your Guardian Angel can fly"... funny thing, I can start to hear the darn thing ringing when I'm mid-way through 6th gear! I guess it's reminding me.