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Check Engine Light

Will the addition of torque cones and baffled mufflers cause too much back pressure? I have considered leaving them in since it is such a pain to remove them. If it is going to create too much back pressure then I will take them out.

No baffles in the mufflers torque cones in, that one is easy.

Baffled mufflers torque cones in or out or does it really make that much difference?
Baffled mufflers and forget the cones. They only give you back pressure at the head of the pipe verses at the end of the muffler.

Most see no difference but I prefer baffles in the mufflers as the choice.

Both units together are not necessary nor needed.
But have you heard or do you know if both units together will cause problems? I am going to put the baffled mufflers back on tonight and ride it to work tomorrow to see if the code light returns. I don't mind taking them out but I am getting ready to trailer the bike from Texas to Arizona and didn't want to go thru the trouble of taking the cones out before the trip. I will sometimes change the pipes to unbaffled mufflers depending on how the neighbors are acting. :bigsmiley18: and I need the cones for that. If they aren't known to cause problems I will plan to leave them in.

Thank you,
Using both the baffles and cones is overkill and a bit restrictive, more than needed. Will it cause problems? Maybe not but I would rather not take the chance of burning a valve or something along these lines.
I am having the exact same thing as big head. I tried the jumper wire per another post here. No codes. Light comes on for 4 seconds, goes off for 6. comes on for 4 and goes out. thats it. If i use reset button no jumper, i get the 1-10 thing then a number then the ppu. no codes. printed out both instructions. not working. I am not an in experienced cycle mechanic. I am a certified jet mechanic, been working on bikes since 1979 when i was 13 I split my first crank case on a kawasaki 100 endouro and rebuilt the bottom and top end, been doing all my own work since. I find it hard to believe i am missing something here. Thinking about getting the harley code reader. tired of guessing. its 150 bucks.