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Bought my first touring bike today!

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You lucky dog and welcome to the dark side of the bagger riders:bigsmiley20::newsmile068:
I figured he would find out eventually :D I looked around on the web and it seems that our little David was a busy man.
Nice Bike!!! I just picked up my new 08 Road King Classic. I bought a Sporty 1200 Custom in July and couldn't wait to get something bigger. So now thay both sit in the garage. Absoultely love the Road King. Looking to do a good Stage I for it so let me know how you like the combo you have.
Nice Bike!!! I just picked up my new 08 Road King Classic. I bought a Sporty 1200 Custom in July and couldn't wait to get something bigger. So now thay both sit in the garage. Absoultely love the Road King. Looking to do a good Stage I for it so let me know how you like the combo you have. post #102:s
Hey DaveInPA,
I'm proud of you to be riding a Harley at 24. My daughters boy friend is 24 and all his buddies are riding croch rockets. Sounds like a bunch a bees in my driveway. Enjoy the ride. Your (edit) and back will appeciate it. Along with your insurance company.

Geezer Glider that's a good one. I'm 55 and bought a Fat Bob. I look at it this way, the Glider is the Rolls and the Fat Bob is the Ferrari. I love the chrome. No bags to take away the look. To each his own. Theres nothing prettier than a dressed up Harley. Except my Denium Black Fat Bob. I stuff my leather pockets with what I need and ride.
It's a Harley, you dress it like you want.

Did the same thing Ddog and I'm 54
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Stop This Madness !!! Daveinpa Didn't Do Anything But Steal Another Mans Pics. And Claim The Scoot As His!!!!! I Recommend To Search The Forum And Find The Thread That Actually Has True Owners Of Touring Bikes!!!!!!! Please !!!
It's too much fun to stop. :) I'd suggest referring him to the "Self Help Section", but I think he really needs Professional Help. OK, I'll stop now. (At least for a little while....)
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