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When does the spending stop

I agree with most all these guys. It stops when we let it. Personally I enjoy the challenge of finding a new part or piece of chrome at a deal and then buying it. I spend alot of time just looking to see what's out there. It is an addiction that takes NO MONEY to cure. Once you have NO MONEY left, you are cured!!!
I too know the sickness, I don't know how much money I've spent on exhausts just trying to find that perfect combination of performance and sound. I had one exhaust I only used for two weeks before I bought my 2-1. I feel :26: just talkin about it!!
I sold my 1974 Shovelhead thinking I wouldn't be spending as much money if I bought a newer and more reliable bike. First thing it was was upgrade the cam bearings which opened the door to cams and support plate, lifters, TFI.. ohhh the insanity....
Get use to it , besides" its only money as they say" you cant take it with you,So enjoy spending it
When the girl at the dealer tills you " sir card has been declined " Dont ask me how I know this:D
As long as the bills and the food on the table get paid for first I don't feel guilty buying the odd bling or shiny piece.
I don't know. There is always some neat little thing I like and pick up at the rally's and shows. As for the bike, I don't know. There is always something I like and pick up at the rally's and shows. I don't think it ever really stops.
It is even worse when the Misses starts to ride her own bike. Have you ever noticed when a husband and wife ride together the wife's bike is always so much nicer? My thought on that is like this (at least for me), when I enter the Harley shop I have to justify buying something for me like say a fuel tuner (unseen hidden to the eye once installed) by buying something for the Misses's bike that she can see (somthing shiny) some chrome accents or covers, that sort of thing. She is not really interested in the fact that my bike can do zero to sixty in 6 seconds, she just wants to look good on her bike. She likes it when people come up to her and say nice bike. What I am trying to say is that once I walked in and dropped a couple hundred on parts, now it is doubled so I can keep the Misses happy by saying "look what I got for your bike". It is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
For me these days the wallet gets empty quicker on road trips so she can sport her bike to new people she has not met yet, I gotta tell ya she is a hoot.