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Tail of the Dragon Overrated?

I have to agree, I have live in middle TN, now for seven years averege 20,000 to 30,000 miles a year the only month I don't ride is an. to 3rd week of March.There are lot better roads to ride then the dragon Rt. 129 from 231 south all the way to Rt. 130 I could go on for ever lots of very nice roads let me know I see what I can do for you, just let me knom about how many miles you want to ride any how many days. Also lots of nice places te visit could figue some in any day ."Keep the chrome side up LOL.
I would for sure ride it in the middle of the week.A lot less traffic,and stay to the right.Be sure to keep your eyes in the mirror.The crotch rockets could be on a qualifying run LOL.The last time we rode it on a Wednesday we had no problems.We did see 1 rocketeer about 75 yards off the road and down the hill on the Hellbender
The dragon is no different than any other good mc road. Sometimes it will be great, other times not so good. It seems that lots of riders will visit it one time and make a judgement based on that one trip. I have been there when it was both good and bad. Had a blast when it was good, and was glad I was out riding when it was bad. Sounds like most other roads doesn't it?

One of the big problems with the dragon is simply that it has a reputation and therefore riders tend to ride 'differently' on that stretch of road than they normally do. Can be a recipe for problems!
I read a news article yesterday that there was a rock slide on the Dragon, and it will be closed, maybe until June before it can be cleared. If I can find the link again, I will post it.
didn't read all 10 pages of posts, so apologies if this has already been noted. The dragon is pretty nice leading up to stretch where you get into the 318 curves in 11 miles. This coming in from Knoxville towards the NC border. The 318 curves, better if you like laying it down thru the curves and getting those low level g's thrown against you.

The better stretch, imho, is once at the resort, hook a left onto 28 and make that loop making your way back toward Robbinsville, and then Robbinsville back up 129 to the resort. Now that is some pretty sweet riding, for cruiser type riding. When done there, whip it back down 129 towards Robbinsville and take 143 onto the Cherohala Skyway. Drop into Tellico Plains and then go spend a few days riding the roads in northern georgia.. THAT is some pretty sweet riding as well -
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I rode the Dragon in 08 on the weekend. It was a good ride for our group. After riding it I felt like it is over rated. I felt like the road going up to Ceaser' Head was more of a challenge. The best advice given is to ride it at your on pace and watch out for others. :newsmile075: