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sportster on a road trip

i rode my 05 883L 900 miles in 2 days with the stock seat. i was fine didn't bother me at all. was tired but not sore or anything like that. my hubby has a 01 heritage softail and i faired just as well as he did. i haven't had a chance yet to do a real long road trip on my 09 1200L since i didn't get it until end of july last year and i was steal healing from my wreck. i was able to ride short distances 50 -100 mile trips but that was about it. i was still getting tired real quick and couldn't move very fast. now am healed up and ready to road trip on my new bike. lookin at milwaukee, wi for the primary officer training for H.O.G. in april , in june looking at brian's hd in pa. and what ever other trips we can come up with. we usually ride til fill up time then relax and stretch for 1/2 or so when road tripping.

Hey guy's,Shaharley here,
I'm going to be going on road trips this year with a 1200 XL low sporster.I was wondering since you all have ridden,what kind of gas mileage did you get? That's my main concern.
when i was on the 883L i averaged about 55 to 60 mpg on our road trips. i expect my 1200L will get close to that.
My buddy and I went on a trip in Sept. Covered about 3000 miles in 9 days. He was riding his 04 1200C with stock seat and had no complaints. No mechanical issues at all (aside form his batt cover falling off on the parkway 30 miles into the trip). Get out there and ride.

Yep, that 2004 Sporty losing the battery cover not a surprise as the clip "tool less" system while making a great story, in practice comes up a bit short as the setup is rather flimsy...there is a place where you can use a small zip tie in place so it doesn't happen again...