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Jealousy... You've got to be kidding me!

I think I'll put off buying those new foot pegs and mirrors and put the money down on a nice night out and a dozen roses. I was also going to stock up on cleaning stuff for this riding season, but maybe I'll lay the cash on her and ask her if she'd like to get her hair done. Boy I'm I a sap of what?
You may have to think bigger than just flowers or a hair doo, as this is only a temporary "Band Aid" fix and summer is just around the corner............If she can't or would rather not ride, buy her a new house, that usually works.
You may have to think bigger than just flowers or a hair doo, as this is only a temporary "Band Aid" fix and summer is just around the corner............If she can't or would rather not ride, buy her a new house, that usually works.

A new house?? Boy they all think alike. She can have any thing she wants (expect the moon, can't afford it) and she knows it. She works too. But she is what she calls being practical. Another words, spending money on new slip-ons, a/c and a power commander is not practical in her eyes. Why would I want to do that, the bike is new? Now, trying to explain this to my wife in a practical kind of way since I am 55 years old, wanting more sound, more speed, more torque, well, all I can say is I'll be married 30 years this year, and I THINK I'll make 31.
"Like to have." I like that Smitty. That way if she likes me enough then maybe she'll likely let me have it. It's all in the words you use when you speak to a women. Choose them carefully. You can never take back something you said. Say the wrong thing and it sticks. They remember.
First, I've been married 30 years, had 3 girls which are now out of the house. Bought my first Harley in August 08. Had 7 bikes before I was married. This is my first in 30 years. O.K. Long story short...
...Wife, "Did you install Turbo Tax." Me, "No, not yet.". Here it comes. Wife, "I asked you to install it so I can use it." Me, "duh". Wife, "What were you doing, on our Harley site reading about your baby". Funny thing is, I wasn't. This site was down until 6:00am this morning. O.K. that's enough. I feel the jealousy coming out. Now what do I do? Got to go buy her something. Help, Caged in, too cold to ride

Hey, if I did not know better, I think you were reading my task list last week...GS34 and The4OPPS1 have it right!
TOP SECRET...1) Get Turbo Tax installed PRONTO...! The next day...while she is out of the house for a few hours (think of something creative to be sure she is out) 2) Do what has been statistically found to be nicest thing a guy can do for a girl that is unexpected, yet so basic...DO THE HOUSE CHORES (at least the ones you know how to do and do well...i.e. dishes, dust (use your Harley-PLEDGE)-clean and vacumn, even do a load or two of laundry)...3) Prep and time later that afternoon or evening to cook something nice that you know you can do well...barbecue steaks or the like...if you need to ask what comes next...your a goner...! :D
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My wife has her own Harley and is always ready to ride.A match made in heaven. But it is still nice to ride with just my buddies now and again....
I just got my new Sporty in December and I have a cunning plan as Blackadder would say.:D:D
Am working on getting my wife to see the joy of riding and that should be nicely in time for me to get either a Dyna or Softtail next year and then give the Sporty to her thereby keeping my lovely wee scoot in the family and having another beaut activity to share. Light it, stoke it and watch it go. :D:rider:rider
dDdogg time to man up I did just about the same thing, had a bike got married, bike turned into a new living suit. the kids came along and for the next 29 years, 5 months and13 days I had no bike. In a harley shop one day and it occured to me that I was getting old and I needed to ride before again before I died. Talked to the salesman he gave me a payment, called wife and told her the story and that there would be a nice used Electra glide in the basement monday afternoon. Their was, so just man-up tell her to get used to it and duck! That's what I did she got mad but got over it, and just throughs it up now and then. I told her she's had a good life and I did good by her. Now where' the P&A cat i feel chrome coming on.:newsmile068::shock
dDdogg time to man up I did just about the same thing, had a bike got married, bike turned into a new living suit. the kids came along and for the next 29 years, 5 months and13 days I had no bike. In a harley shop one day and it occured to me that I was getting old and I needed to ride before again before I died. Talked to the salesman he gave me a payment, called wife and told her the story and that there would be a nice used Electra glide in the basement monday afternoon. Their was, so just man-up tell her to get used to it and duck! That's what I did she got mad but got over it, and just throughs it up now and then. I told her she's had a good life and I did good by her. Now where' the P&A cat i feel chrome coming on.:newsmile068::shock

I do want to live with her!!!