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I love this forum

Why am I thinking of Buford Pusser?

Honestly, never heard about this guy before...
A quick search over the Internet produced this:

Is this how Glider looks like???? :shock

Now I understand many things: Glider, I'll be your most faithful servant and disciple.
How I stated in an other post about Pledge: "Thy will is done"!


Eh? What's this Glider? Are you commenting on my mechanical techniques??

Dont hit me Boss hit my puter, Have the utmost respect for all on this forum would not consider another Keep up a great site and please dont hit me with that hammer:)
I've looked at other HD sites a year ago before I spent much time here. Now I only log onto HDT. Great forum, lots of info, people, humor and fun. Just 1 problem though, more addictive than smoking. Before I realize I've spent 2 or 3 hours here. Wouldn't have it any other way. My thanks to all.
I agree with you all also, this is a great forum. Before I know it I get on here everytime I get on the puter for anything. Keep up the great work guys.
I suspect the members are not aware of half the work that goes into running a site like this and keeping it legite. I know one thing....I appreciate what is done behind the scenes on our behalf so we can have civil conversations with one another. Not that your explanation is needed Glider, but as always your guiding hand is appreciated.

Why am I thinking of Buford Pusser?

I was "Very Honored" a while back, to see First Hand a little of What goes on Behind the scenes On HDT... I will Only Say that Their Job, the Mods. do, frightened me to a point of a "queazy stomach"
and knew It was not a Job for me..

The people called Mods. have a lot More Work and Responsibilities (sb in all caps) than the members eyes of This Side See.(.)

I found what You see over Here is by no way CLOSE to what is found Over There on the Green Side.....

I'm LOVING this side of the Fence and hope it shows!

Thank you HDT, best site on the web. BAR NONE!

Sincerely Bubbie
Hey Bubster...

You left in such a hurry that the seat of your pants is still stuck in the door. :lolrolling