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Fuel Smell


Junior Member
:reyes Ok. This is driving me crazy. I have a 2008 Ultra Classic. Whenever I park it in the garage after a ride (long or short) , I get this very strong smell of fuel that travels throughout the basement. (garage is connected to and part of basement) I have checked all over the bike for fuel leaks and have found none. Lately, I have been parking it outside the garage till it has cooled off and then put it away. Anybody else have this problem with their injected bike? What to do? :panic
Take a look at the fuel line connectors under the tank. There's an "O" ring at both ends of the quick disconnect that could be damaged or leaking. When the bike is running or recently shut off, there about 48 LBS of fuel pressure on them.
If your not seeing any drips on the floor try a new gas cap. Seen this work more than a few times for the same problem. :s
Thanks for the input. I am really concerned about this so I am gonna stop by the dealer today and have them take a look at it cause I can't find it and it only has 600 Miles on it. I bought it 3 weeks ago and it would have more miles on it if it didn't rain so much. :wall
I also have this problem on my 07 Road King. I'm waiting 'til spring to take it in for the 5,000 mi service to have them check it out.
Have any of you that have this fuel smell ever lifted the tank up for any reason off the frame? If so there is a plastic fitting on the end of the flexible fuel line that cracks and leaks.
There is an article in last month's American Iron about how to replace the fuel filter for FI bikes. I don't the exact terminology but under the console cover there are screws that hold the base plate to the tank. I am pretty sure they said there are some sort of plastic seals for each screw. It seems I read a post somewhere that either the screws may not be tight or the seal not seated properly which vents the tank.

I raised my Wide Glide off the stand a little too quick with a full tank and then noticed a small amount of gas coming from under the leather divider when I lowered it back onto the stand. I just assumed there was a vent under there and it never happened again. I seem to always detect a gas smell in the garage whether the bike has been ridden or not.
When your tank is hot either from the sun or riding(ever notice how close to the tank the rocker boxes are) the fuel will get warm and expand creating pressure inside your fuel tank. Since the fuel injected bikes have a check valve in the fuel supply line to the fuel injection unit . That pressure has to go somewhere. Next time you go for a ride, when you get home . Look for your vent line that runs from your tank and most likley comes out near your swingarm. See if you have vapor venting out there. If I fill my tank too full on a hot day and let the bike set too long . When I take it off the Jiffy stand fuel will puke out from the tank vent. It is better also to let your bike cool down outside after a ride because the breeze will cool it faster.
:reyes Ok. This is driving me crazy. I have a 2008 Ultra Classic. Whenever I park it in the garage after a ride (long or short) , I get this very strong smell of fuel that travels throughout the basement. (garage is connected to and part of basement) I have checked all over the bike for fuel leaks and have found none. Lately, I have been parking it outside the garage till it has cooled off and then put it away. Anybody else have this problem with their injected bike? What to do? :panic

I have the very same problem with my fuel injected '06 Street Glide. The dealer says he can't find a problem. Still... I am glad I quit smoking... the smell that permeates into my home from the garage is terrible.

Has anyone come up with a solution for this yet???:bigsmiley25: