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Broken body and bike

I have told everyone, it was not the bikes fault, it was a victim in all this also. The deer could not be helped and my brother in law didn't know how to ride and was supposed to haul the bike home on a trailer, instead he decided he could ride it.

Glad that you and your bike are in good graces.
I went down on June 07 happened on a Sunday and from my bed ordered my new 07 Road King Classic on Thursday. Hit gravel, back end spun out and sent me and my wife over a twenty-five foot embankment into a salt brine. Couldn't ride for approx six months but that time was well spent customizing my new Road King!
I don't advocate getting back in the saddle until your nerves have quieted down and your heart tells you it's o.k., you are the only one who knows when and if the time is right.
I went down on June 07 happened on a Sunday and from my bed ordered my new 07 Road King Classic on Thursday. Hit gravel, back end spun out and sent me and my wife over a twenty-five foot embankment into a salt brine. Couldn't ride for approx six months but that time was well spent customizing my new Road King!
I don't advocate getting back in the saddle until your nerves have quieted down and your heart tells you it's o.k., you are the only one who knows when and if the time is right.

Im glad your able to talk about it...I was wondering, did you and your wife get hurt bad and does she still ride with you?:bigsmiley23:
It's been three weeks today since the accident. Still sore around the chest area, went to see the doc on Monday, still have to get another cat scan on Monday and follow-up visit a couple of weeks after that. The doc said I'm healing well and can expect to be sore for some time (wow what a pain, pun!). Hope no one ever has to go through this. Anyway...progress on the bike is going, according to MBHD and will still be several weeks away. Man, am I missing some nice riding weather.

Many thanks for all the best wishes from you guys and gals, The reading has kept me from going stir crazy!! Back on the road soon I hope!
