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Billy Lane Charged in Fatal Wreck

Hello all. I've been reading all the responses to this clowns' problems but one thing no one has mentioned - what is the general non-riding public's impression of us bikers because of this incident? You know gang, we work hard at dispelling the images of the drunken, partying, hardcore riders of yesteryear although there are some of the aforementioned still around. We love our rides, our bikes, and the freedom they represent. To have someone ruin or tarnish that image is just unforgiveable. Most of us are hardworking individuals, professionals, who ride for various reasons and are proud to say we are bikers. Yes, we may have longer hair than others, have a variety of tatoos and wear earrings or have piercings much to the chagrin of "normal" (and what this day in time is normal) folks. But now we have to prove, even more, that the vast majority of us when on our bikes are law-abiding citizens - not some crazed, drunken idiot who doesn't give a flip about anything but himself. Seems our job is cut out for us. Okay - getting out from behind my pulpit now - preaching is over.
I should add to my previous post - that even though Billy was behind the wheel of his vehicle and not on his bike - it's his reputation of being associated with the motorcycle industry and a rider also that puts a "ding" on all the rest of us. Bottom line - he knew better.
People...have you ever heard of GRACE. Please put yourself in his place and then tell me you have never made a mistake, (maybe not getting caught or hurt), and been forgiven or given another chance. I've been in recovery for 8 years and truly hear what you are feeling but this tragedy can be used for good if the right judge forces Billy to use his experience to change our society. I in no way condone drinking and driving, but I do LOVE.
Sure I've heard of grace. Have you ever heard of accountability for ones actions ?
A couple of years ago I lost my 17 year old son to a drunk driver. Ironicaly I don't hate the person who killed him, but I do believe she deserves every day of the 18 years she was sentanced to.

Billy Lane needs to go to prison for a very long time.
Yeah bro, you're right on. Billy was reckless and should have known better. Every now and then a judge really makes an example of someone. We'll see how it turns out.
Neglect comes at a price. Most “mistakes” are the bottom line of poor judgment. Take a look at your wife, or child, now picture them dead at the hands of a drunk, who made a “mistake”, how will your life now be affected, everyday. We’ve become a society now so politically correct it’s twisted. If you don’t “embrace” gays, you’re a homophobic and wrong. Beat down someone breaking in your home at 2am and you get suit for being aggressive, best to give him a cup of coffee as he leaves with your money. My point is we punish the victims. We have a degrading society because we don’t make people afraid of the law. Every crime should dealt with the fullest extent of punishment permissible under the law, then you’d think twice before breaking it instead of rewarding them. I wonder how many DUI’s this bad ambassador of “us” had before he “murdered” on the highway.:no
Neglect comes at a price. Most “mistakes” are the bottom line of poor judgment. Take a look at your wife, or child, now picture them dead at the hands of a drunk, who made a “mistake”, how will your life now be affected, everyday. We’ve become a society now so politically correct it’s twisted. If you don’t “embrace” gays, you’re a homophobic and wrong. Beat down someone breaking in your home at 2am and you get suit for being aggressive, best to give him a cup of coffee as he leaves with your money. My point is we punish the victims. We have a degrading society because we don’t make people afraid of the law. Every crime should dealt with the fullest extent of punishment permissible under the law, then you’d think twice before breaking it instead of rewarding them. I wonder how many DUI’s this bad ambassador of “us” had before he “murdered” on the highway.:no

A question I'd throw out for the forum...

How many of us..have NEVER EVER...driven intoxicated???
well, the teetotalers will be able to answer that...but I suspect MOST of us, have at one time or another, had a lapse in judgment and have driven legally intoxicated. I think the phrase is...there, but for the Grace of God, go I....

yeah, people make mistakes, and yeah, when you do, you pay for them. Sometimes the price you pay is higher than others.

A lose/lose situation.
In talking about his "mistake", nobody's mentioned that this isn't his first time being drunk behind a wheel/handlebar. How many "mistakes" does he get?
In talking about his "mistake", nobody's mentioned that this isn't his first time being drunk behind a wheel/handlebar. How many "mistakes" does he get?

If a person does something wrong once it might be a mistake. If they do it again it's a choice.