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Windshield or not windshield? That is the question...

I am new to riding and bought a 09 RK. I have never ridden without it, but my buddy, that has never had one, is always trying to get me to try it. I take one look at his face schield - NO THANKS - I'll stick to the screen.

I have noticed however, he is ussually not hungry at lunch time. Makes you go HMMMMM?
I fitted a quick release standard HD ws to my sporty recently. The bike does not look as good with it on imo and the first time I used it was to ride up to where Hobbit lives to do some work on the sporty. Hobbit, bless him, covered up his horror at the sight of one of his beloved sportys wearing a window :lolrolling, the guy is so big hearted - he even made a brew.
Kidding aside - it keeps the windage down a whole lot and keeps the bugs off so functionally it's a plus on highway rides but theres no doubt imo that the ride is more fun when it's off especially on the twists and turns - and that's the beaut of the easy detachable ws.

Use it when you feel it's right for the conditions or when you're feeling strictly vegetarian and bugs are off the menu - whatever. It's just another tool - and it's part of YOUR bike so suit yourself, that's one of the great qualities of motorcycling :D.

Got pictures? I really like my windscreen, as long as it is not too high to make me have to sit "straight" to look over. ...oh and I like being off the "raw" high protein diet!!! :newsmile106:
Those clearviews sure look like a good option. Good prices, lots of options, and a 30 day trial period? Sounds fair to me. I have an email into them... thanks for the suggestion

ride safe

I've got a stock height clear ws w/ recurve on its way from Clearview. It is a "blem" one that looks to be in great condition, was inexpensive, but most importantly, can ship right away! I am VERY interested to see if it makes a difference from my stock RK shield. John, from Clearview, has been provided very good customer service. I will report on its efficacy once I have a few miles with it.

Windshield for me! Keeps my head from bobbin'. I didn't realize this though, until I got a bike with a windshield. Now I am spoiled.

I don't get any of the wind from the bottom you write about either.

I don't like my wife's Street Glide because the windshield is too short.

Get a taller windshield for your wife's Street Glide! You will love her bike with a 6.5" windshield. When it gets warmer I'll switch to my 8" windshield to deflect bugs. When it's cooler, I put the stock 4" back on. Like having no windshield at all!
Without when I'm washing it, other than that I'm spoiled to having it on. I rode for years without one, put one on this bike because I got it half price when I bought the bike. It makes riding much nicer.
I’ll never ride without a windshield, too many rocks thrown by trucks and the definitely bugs are bigger in Texas.

Once I assisted a buddy in moving his Fat Bob that did not have a windshield. I wore a full helmet faceshield, gloves and leather jacket. My only exposed skin was a tiny triangle of throat above the jacket collar, and every few minutes I felt something bouncing off my throat.

I have no clue how some bikers ride without a windshield and helmet and still call it an enjoyable experience. Ouch!!!