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WHICH SEAT for support

I have to go with Corbin also . They seem to be hard when you first get them but after 1500 miles they conform to your shape and they are comfortable, they give very good support but they aren't cheap either.
I've been really happy with the Mustang seat I'm using. The wife says she has more room, feels more comfortable, and can stand a longer trip leg. But, as softtailbikerdude mentioned, it seems like I'm setting an inch, or so, forward from the factory seat. Of course, I'm well under 6' and it doesn't bother me much. In fact, I've found I have more options, say to "reposition" while traveling and I find I end up with less muscle soreness and such problems with the new seat.
Have 2004 softail,fxst Iam 6.4 wiuth a bad back,looking for a seat with support both kind solo and two up.

Need to reword it what make and what type of seat do I need for comfort

I currently am LOVING this seat by saddlemen,Saddlemen Motorcycle Seats, Luggage and Accessories it has incredible lower back support. I recently put 800 miles on it stopping only for gas, and never once did my backside complain.

I am 6'2" 225lbs and am still in physio for a messed up back due to losing an arguement with a very large falling tree in '95.

+1 on the Sundowner, bought it and use it everyday.

And I have a bad back also.

If you can, try a couple of different types though.
I'm 6'3" and also have bad back and tail bone from a fall down some stairs. I tried getting the stock FLSTF seat re-shaped, made it worse. I then tried a Sundowner, sat me too far forward. Next was a Mustang Vintage touring seat, very comfortable but not enough support. Last came a Saddlemen King, also comfortable but still not enough support.

I like both the Mustang and Saddlemen seats. The Mustang sits you a little higher and a little farther forward compared to Saddlemen and has a softer feel. The Mustang also has a larger seating area.

The thing that really made the difference in comfort was getting an adjustable backrest. I picked up Kuryakyn Rider backrest and it has made a world of difference. It's nice because I can use it with both the Mustang and Saddlemen seats.
I have the same situation. I have had 2 lower back operations. The stock seat on my 2006 FXST was not working for me at all. I sat on many seats at the Harley dealership and decided on the Sundowner. I have no regrets about this decision. Go sit on one and see what you think.
You are gonna get alot of opinnions with that questions. That being said. I preferre a hard seat like the Corbin with the backrest. The corbin uses ther own foam, which I like. I have never found a stock HD seat that I liked. Best of luck
i have the smame problem 6.3 with bad back and replaced my two up stock seat(FXST) with a touring seat for a fatboy(two up),,best thing i ever did...also replaced forward controls.
adding 3" to my forward controls really makes a dff.
the seat i purchaced was the sundownerdeep bucket,, very comfortable and supportive
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