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What are your plans for Christmas?

Christmas??? I still haven't cleaned my kitchen from Thanksgiving :(
Think I'll stay home and order a pizza :s
I'm going to spend it with the most important people in my life; my family.:small3d026:
I managed to get into a position where I'm no longer working shift work and with that weekends and holidays off for the second time in my 32 yr career with Hydro. My wife and girls are happy that I'll actually be off for Christmas and New Years. Hasn't happened that many times in all these years.
I am not sure yet for Xmas is 3 weeks away. I am sure the plans will change a dozen times knowing the boss, (Wife). The best part is no work for a whole week!!!!!
Christmas at home in NJ. Parents sister nephew coming up from SC for a week. Brother/wife 2 more nephews. Inlaws. Aunt/uncle 2 cousins.......all for Christmas Day. Christmas Eve we go to my cousins, around the corner. Fish, fish, and more fish. About 30 people and I'm playing Santa this year. Good thing I have friend in Jack. Going to try thr Winter Jack.
Tis the season.....
On Christmas, the boys, and hopefully mom will be here. Right after we are heading down to Palatka to see the girls and the grandbabies. Staying thru New Years!
No plans for Christmas, but Newy Years just changed. The step-daughter is coming down from NY for a week. Yay.
looks like a repeat of thanksgiving to me, eat ,drink & be merry. to everybody have a Merry Christmas .