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Early spring rides are great, it maybe a bit cool and damp but good for the soul.
here in the upper Midwest you start to think the only colors in the world are brown,evergreen, white snow,and dirty snow.
Get out for a ride and you see that there are many different evergreens and some of those brown trees are a burnt orange the dirty snow is leaving. The early spring sky is Britte here the suns angle is changing so even if it is cool if you stand in the sun it is warm.
The early riders are starting to come out you see a bike here a bike there, every few degrees it warms up more come out.
It does not take many 40 degree days or higher and grass will start to green. You can feel the trees just waiting to wake up. All the life that was on hold most of the winter returns. The full 4 season is a part of why I love the Midwest.
As a Fla run away moving here has caused me to see a world I never knew.
And I do enjoy the ride even more now that I have to park it for a few months each year.
All those deer that have been hiding all winter are now coming out looking for new food. The road sand left over from the last snow at intersection. All things that remind you summer is just around the bend.
I got a few short rides in over the winter, but the ride Sunday was a real ride 150 mile trip took me twice that many miles to get there with all my left and right turns.
The hour or more rides each day while there and the ride home Thursday I feel reborn Spring is here a bit slow but here.

Bright skys,green grass and waking seem to enjoy the simple things in life,Smitty.That's cool!
All I know is that yesterday was an awesome spring day here in Southern Orygun. I got to ride my wife's Dyna Wide around the valley, took it to the local HD shop and then put it up for sale. Then I picked up her brothers SE Springer from the same shop, he's in Iraq, and road it around the valley for a couple of hours, filled 'er up and then put 'er to bed in his garage. Awesome day to say the least! Suppose to rain today, so I'll get the Ultra out and see if I can get some dirt on 'er. She deserves a bit of good spring water!
Ugly John
Spring has SPRUNG! My frogs tell me so.

I have a small decorative pond in the back yard and the tree frogs began thier singing about 3 days ago, just after our last frosty night.

There is rain in our forcast but there always is here in the Willamette valley.

I'm up for a ride today if the clouds spread for a bit!:small3d006:
The Spring Peepers are a sure sign of spring. I have yet to hear them this season, but the Robins and the Orioles are back.

Being superstitious, I am reluctant to put away the snow shovels!
St. Patties Day it was 34 in the morning, cold ride to work. It was 67 on my way home. Bike ran great. Today it snowed. What the? I think its called Global Shifting. Like our time change, the winter has shifted up one more week.
Can't complain about the weather so far in the Houston area. It's supposed to rain pretty much all this week, but the last two weeks have been perfect ridin weather.
St Patty's Day rode up to the cabin in Cedar River, MI it was in the low 60's put 150 miles on. Friday the first day of spring I got the bright idea to make the same run after work, it was in the 40's at home. Got to the cabin and parked the bike, temps changed to the mid 30's by the time I got up there. Took a shower and went out to meet the wife and kids at the local pub for a fish fry and there was an 1" of snow on the ground! That capped off my 1st day of spring ride. Sunday was in the high 30's for the ride home, I'm ready for the steady 60's!!
Had the chance to ride last Saturday...but just about 50 miles. It was really COLD! ....but yesterday morning I looked out of the window ....all white! :(

That means tons of salt again on the roads.......... I miss the warm sun!
