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So what did you ride as a kid

1st bike I stole a 650 riumph Bonniville 15 years old Next legal bike 650 BSA ist new bike 71 Norton Commando Roadtrip tp FLA from Buffalo N.Y. next 1974 V7 Motto Guzzi Sport
76 850 T Guzzi Went to Harley's in 1980 AMF Sportster went Jap Honda then Kawasaki Stopped riding when buddy died in bad Motorcycle crash Went to college got married moved to California got the bug again purchased new 1996 Herritage Rode that for a while and moved to Texas purchased 03 RK 07 EGC Now riding 09 UC

Rde Safe
My very first ride (which got me hooked on bikes) was when aged 6 or 7 my much older cousin took me (sitting on the petrol tank) on his Royal Enfield Bullet for a long ride through the countryside.
My mum would have gone spare, had she known.
I still remember all these years later the thrill of the wind on my face and the needle on the speedo creeping up the dial.
I know I'm aging myself here, but my first motorized toy was a Cushman Silver Eagle. I think I stripped it down and painted it about 5 times in two years. I remember getting in trouble for riding it to school in the seventh grade and parking it in the teacher's parking lot. Good times...
OK, haven't seen this one yet. My first motorized 2 wheeler was a 65cc Benelli mini bike. Wore a groove in the lawn riding around the house for hours on end until my Dad put an end to that. Bought it used from a high school senior that I thought was so cool - see, I envied anyone with a scoot of any kind even back then!
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I was 13 or 14 when my Uncle gave me a riding lawn mower that I had no need for, (lived in town with a small yard). My dad had a friend that his son had left his bike tore down in the garage. So I traded the mower for the bike. It was a Yamaha LT2 and it was literally a basket case. Anything that could be taken apart was and it was all stuffed in milk crates. I had to get dad to take me 40 miles away in Odessa, TX to the closest dealer to get the manuals. We stayed there for a couple of hours so I could look thru the book and try to get as many parts as we could that day. About 2 months later and several trips to Odessa she was up and running. I rode that bike for a couple of years till a nieghbor was selling a Yamaha IT175. Boy those were some fun days. Back then I swore that I would never be caught dead on a street bike, times change.........
First bike was a Bennelli 65 cc at the ripe old age of 6 next was a Yamaha YZ80 then a whole series of pieces of junk up until I started taking the whole motocross thing seriously then I had some very nice YZ's and KX's until My mid 30's when I gave it up. My first street bike was an 84 Yamaha 600 special.
Hmm, since we were poor, I had a huffy. :D As for the dumbest thing I ever did, probably anything my brother told me to. :unsure I was sort of banned from motorized bikes after I ran through the fire & hit my mom. I was only doing what they told me....hold in on this lever, twist this, and when you want to go, let go of this mention of 'go easy, here's the brake if you want to slow down....' :D But, in my defense, I kept the bike up right, and didn't stop until my uncle caught me. All that was on a honda 50. :p