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Obviously, this is a thread concerning US States where you can avoid wearing an helmet by the existing law.

Here in Europe wearing a certified helmet is mandatory.

I'm really surprised that in some States of USA it's not mandatory.

Maybe this is in name of a twisted interpretation of personal freedom: one is free to do whatever he likes, even kill himself.
In principle, this is correct, I agree, but if his/her freedom invades mine, I don't agree at all.

How can a person not wearing an helmet invade my freedom?

Simply because if he has an accident and doesn't die immediately, his sanitary treatment for a trauma that maybe could have been avoided wearing an helmet is on the tax payer's shoulders!
This of course it's true in a Country where there's a welfare, public expenses for population's health... ah, right... this is not the case of US!

Die if you want to, you won't be a burden for anybody, on the contrary you'll help the economy for burials, funeral houses, lawyers to share the heritage, etc.: the perfect capitalistic society!

Good luck!

"I'm really surprised that in some States of USA it's not mandatory."

There are several states in the U.S. that have mandatory helmet laws.
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