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Should We Be Concerned?

You guys are right. With the sweeping changes I have seen happen in this country, thus far, and the storm clouds on I see on the horizon, I think it would be smart to support any bikers' rights groups that are out there. As a group, we who ride will be on the receiving end of the "change" that is coming.

With respect to the average person out there, perception is reality. We can do our part to influence that perception by riding sensibly and riding quietly as possible.

With that said, can anyone recommend some good slip ons?

Just kidding!:p
Well the tree huggers have to vote also.I constanly write our local state government about issues concerning me. They all respond to e mails.If we all write with our concerns they will listen because the vote has the power to keep them in line. Check out Peacemaker Exhausts.
Join the AMA. We had a similar ordinance proposed in my hometown. Armed with information from the AMA, it didn't get past the "study session".