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Security Light Coming on

Last night on my way home I noticed the Security Lamp in the speedo was on. It was red in color and not flashing, but steadily lit. A couple miles down the road, it was off again. A couple more miles, it was on again...

Anyone familiar with this?

Thanks in advance
Again thanks for the headsup. Here is what I found...

P - None Pn32915-05
S - 61122 End Pn68922-OOC
SP - None Pn67349-04
T - None Pn67348-04A

I cleared the "S" code per the instructions. ( Hope that is ok)

Rode the bike again and the Light Lit Steadily again with the 1st mile.

Read the codes again, same error.

What does this all mean and what is my next step?
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A historic code will come on then go off again where a current code will stay lighted. Clear the codes again and try it once more.

I will clear it again and see what happens. If it comes back on, do I need to take it to the stealer or is this something I could fix?
If I'm not mistaken the code is in RED

P - None Pn32915-05
S - 61122 End Pn68922-OOC
SP - None Pn67349-04
T - None Pn67348-04A
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Sorry for the edit, hit the wrong button.

If you are sure that you are doing the procedure correctly, it could be a part number being it doesn't correspond to any code numbers..