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SE Pro Super Tuner + Smart Tune Software

Ok.You have no O2 sensors so you have one of the last "good" setups the Moco was allowed to build & ship to the public. In all fairness, since your bike was made before O2 sensors hit the manufacturing line, you should not have to adhere to the current A/F ratio line on the dyno chart.

Having no narrow band O2 sensors is the ultimate as long as you can find a qualified tech that really knows how to set up the A/F maps. In your case every single cell on the load vs RPM grid is definable. There is no "auto pilot" or closed loop operation. Injector pulse width for Idle, mid range cruise, and wide open throttle are all done with look up tables.

Right from the factory, I would bet the A/F ratios are pretty fat on your bike. But for starters, I would do a global enrichment (all A/F cells) of .4 of 1 A/F ratio point just to make up for the 10% ethanol we now have. Back in 2005 the maps were setup for pure gasoline and you need to offset that when using 10% ethanol.

Hey Hoople. Here are the results of my dyno run for my bike. Remember now it is all stock except for the pipes and the stage 1 air cleaner.

As far as A/F ratio goes, the dyno chart tells you very little because it is only the A/F ratio while under wide open throttle or 100% engine load. I am not at the computer that has my own tune files, but WOT only takes into account about 15 grid cells and there are something like 200 cells in the entire A/F map (actually 200 cells for each cylinder). So even though your charts say 13:1, you can be way more rich or way more lean at any other engine loads other than 100% (such as idle speeds or steady state cruise speeds).

Your chart shows the A/F ratio to be about 13.0 while under wide open throttle.
In my opinion, 13.0 while under wide open throttle is lean. Under wide open throttle I am running high 11's. Steady state cruise speeds are high 13's and idle is low 13's. I don't run O2 sensors & the closed loop firmware has been disabled. My numbers have an offset for E10 fuels. My measured fuel mileage on highway is solid low 40's/gallon so I am happy.

Setting all the cells that are not at WOT becomes a challenge because most shops don't have the right type of dyno to do that type of tuning. Since they are only interested in peak torque & horsepower numbers, an inertia dyno will do the job. But for setting cells that fall below 100% engine load, you need an eddy current or water brake dyno which costs a bunch more.
Plus the added hours of tuning time along with dual channel exhaust analyzers just makes the whole process cost prohibited for many.

Hence the Gen 4 was born!
I have a question on this topic. I had my bike tuned by the dealer as well. Bike is a 2011 FLHTK, V&H Dresser Duals, S/E A/C and Rush slip-ons. Although my Dyno sheet doesn't have as smooth a lines as tlyounb. It runs fine, but wondering if I could "fine tune" the Dyno tune with Smart Tune to make it better?

What are peoples thoughts on doing that? Would it be better, or should I stick with, if its not broke don't fix it?

I am getting 40-44 mpgs and think that is pretty good.

IF you are getting that klind of mileage, I'd leave it alone... I don't think the SQUIGGLE marks mean much and a tuner can get them smooth out just for LOOKS..IMO...

Aren't they just the up and down "Normal" on a dyno run? Your 02 sensors working?

I need help as I did away with Dobecks gen4 and installed the newest SE HD Race tuner... Been installed with a generic then recently dyno'd tuned but way toooooo much fuel used.. 29 and 39 per gal. WAY Rich...

Taken back to the HD tuner and they ran smart tune and I still don't like the results ...

SO Maybe I can Tweak it a bit...

Would be nice to install the program to see what it is doing.

Right now I have NO way to see the unit hooked to my computer as I need to install the 111 program Correct?

Bought the wire kit and the training CD now I need the Tuning CD.. thinking it ends in 111 number... Any help here would be appreciated...

I have a new Lap-Top and can and want to see IF I can re-install the dyno tune in the file on the tuner. THEN I can have a go at it.

Well, I'm one Lucky Dude...

That CD is obsolete for a long time from HD. Looking all over, found one close enough to pick up... The only one I have found and at ArrowHead HD in Peoria Az. Imagine that, close to home... Hopefully I'll have it and be MONKEYING with the settings soon myself...:s

Thanks anyways. I'll probably need some help later.

Well, I'm one Lucky Dude...

That CD is obsolete for a long time from HD. Looking all over, found one close enough to pick up... The only one I have found and at ArrowHead HD in Peoria Az. Imagine that, close to home... Hopefully I'll have it and be MONKEYING with the settings soon myself...:s

Thanks anyways. I'll probably need some help later.



you can get free software now.

you cannot update a pre 2014 software anymore. you have to download the 2014 software, it is now free.

entering all 111111111111 seems to work as serial #

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Don, I JUST did that download... Worked good and Now just headed out to the garage to Look what is saved on my new pro tuner... It had a generic program that was good up in RPM but popped on low rpm when leaving off.

So I had HD do a dyno tune and I was not happy with that, so they played with it and Not happy YET with that SO may be I can solve my tuning problem short of getting another dyno tune.

MY numbers worked off the back of the new orange tuner.

Many features and Hope You guys are good with the help IF I Need it.

Haw,,,,BUBBIE asking for help

I'll be a GREEN HORN here :newsmile100:

Hi All,

Just signed up. I have the sepst and can't wait to play with it.
The dealer dyno'd it after installing the parts at 1,000 miles
lot of popping with engine braking.
2013 superglide, 96" TC
VH big radius, se stage one intake, KN filter
I just re-installed a program # 009SAH002-01 dt0 for my 103 09 build...
The Dyno'd one ran way tooooo rich and Not smooth.

I REPLACED the dyno'd program and IT Runs Much Better... Now for me to learn Smart Tune and get it down-up to where it really makes my day.:D

Learning this stuff THEN actually getting it into the 'puter and ON the bike for me is SLOW process but I'm getting CLOSE to seeing HOW It is Done...:newsmile021:

Thanks Bubbie for the feedback. It is running well and getting good MPGs. No codes at all so I assume the O2 sensors are working as they should. I will leave it be as long as everything is running well.