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Safety Your Thoughts

If at all possible I try to stay off of busy highways. There is just too much unpredictability there. Back roads take longer but are a little more sane. When I find myself on a busy highway I found the middle lane is a good lane to travel in. This way you can pass if you want to but not have to be concerned with people merging in front of you from the on ramp as is the case if you ride in the slow lane. In the slow lane, at every on ramp people are looking to merge and you are working a bit harder in maintaining your spacing.
This is a great topic man and should be a must read especially for new riders. I saw some of my fears listed ,getting pinned between 2 cars & being next to 18weelers on the highway. I always ask new riders 'when does a bike have the right of way at an intersection?' and get the usual answers ;) I say no a bike NEVER has the right of way.
Hippie, glad you like the post and that you found some info to use.
I say know your bike and following distance.

following distance explains itself. know your bike means know how fast your bike stops at 55 mph. know how far it will lean in a corner before things start to grind.