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Proud new father

Congratulations on being a first time proud papa. You will be amazed at how your life in going to change. She will be first and foremost in your mind and the decisions you make in life will be driven by the fact you are now a father with the responsibility of a family.
Again, congrats!
Thanks for all of the replies everyone. I am really looking forwared to this chapter of my life.

Congrats, just wait it gets better when you are a grand pa and a Great grand pa, Kids are great aint they, God Bless The Child:D
Congratulations and welcome to fatherhood. You have joined a elite club.
Glad to her Mom and Baby are doing well.
Very excellent!!!

Remember one thing. Any man can be a father...but it takes a special man to be a Daddy.

Enjoy them while they're young, because they are up and out before you know it.