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Not A Football Fan

I know today is the superbowl, I for one will not be watching I do not like football, is there anyone else who feels the same and doesn't watch football? Don't hold back I can take it. I can't stick around for the replies it is 70 degrees and I am going riding:D:p

I do enjoy watching,however I have to admit that I am losing my loyalty.I have a problem with these guys saying that they need the millions of dollars so that they can buy their kids food and toys.And it is hard to take when they complain that they need more money so they can pay their bills.Harley is laying off people to the tune of 35 million dollars in cash flow here in Milw.
1100 workers worth.Now is it fair that one person makes that much in a couple of years playing a game(yes a game)? And is it worth a million buck for a 30 second comercial?Not!!!
The only reason I can think of that lets football exist is that we have all the drug users down on that field where we can keep an eye on them. Don't even ask me about baseball. I think that game was invented to make golf look exciting and to keep the pharmaceutical industry afloat.

I do however, enjoy watching the morbidly obese fans in the stands all painted up in their team colors, shirtless in 30 degree weather, pretending they have a part in the outcome.

If only the colosseums in Rome could have been so magnificent..........