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Not A Football Fan


Active Member
I know today is the superbowl, I for one will not be watching I do not like football, is there anyone else who feels the same and doesn't watch football? Don't hold back I can take it. I can't stick around for the replies it is 70 degrees and I am going riding:D:p
i can take it or leave it. its an excuse to hang out with friends and eat to much and drink beer (like i need an excuse). i dont care about sports until march, cubs spring training and spring harley rides.
Don't really care about watching sports on tv. Playing them and going to a game is one thing, but I get no emotional stimulation by watching them on tv. However, I will be watching the super bowl at my buddy's's the party:D
I can take it or leave unless the home team is playing and that's been awhile. But since I'm St. Louis the Cards former home.and Curt Warner still does alot for this area I don have some interst in.
Used to love to play in school,never much liked watching.not even the coaches video
Even if you dont like the game you gotta watch it.The commercials, wardroab malfuntions,the Boss at halftime.

I think I'll take a nap at half time. I really don't care for Springsteen, nor want to watch the "boss" have a wardrobe malfunction:11::26: