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mounting bike left or right

Tried the right side a couple of times and it just didn't feel right. I mount from left side out of habit (with the grunt). Something that I will watch to see how others mount, cuz I did not know that cops are trained for the right side.

Take care and ride safe eh!!:D
Actually, I am with Hobbit on this one, being all of 135 lbs. I want to inspect the bike on the left if jiffy stand is stable and the "cant" angle of the bike. If it is leaned way over and ladened, I need a bit more uhhh...momentem to lift the bike off and level it before getting on..just my way! :newsmile036:
I have a habit of always getting on from the left side, but lately I have been using the right side and it seems easier. Sometimes that right boot seems to get heavier as the day goes on, and getting it over the seat later in the day gets difficult.:laugh I firmly believe that whatever works for you is good, and my dad used to say "if it works, don't fix it".
I guess it is habit from my old horseback riding days. You always were taught to mount from the left side. Don't know why, it was just rule of thumb.
I don't know why but ever since i was 16 that's the way i"ve gotten on. Now that i'm 54 and had a total left hip replacement there's no switching to the right i'd never get my left leg over with my new but not as originally flexible left hip.
Does anyone -- step on the running board and then lift other leg over top? Imagine getting on a horse and putting one foot in a stirrup then stepping up on footboard and swinging other leg over. My wife gets on and off the back by stepping up on her footboards first. I dont do this but am curious to what you might think and IF you think one floorboard would even hold up about 200#'s.

I always mount the bike from the left side. I believe mounting the bike from the left carried over from mounting horses on the left all the time. As motorcycles replaced horse in the army it was natural I guess.