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Masonic Roll Call

My old man is pretty highup in the masonic order, he's a Past Grand Commander of the State of Indiana and I believe a 32 or 33 degree in Scottish Rite can't remember which...As a kid I attended tons of meetings in most every masonic lodge in the state of Indiana, been to some really really nice ones...But never had an interest in it myself...
I've searched the net and it really is vague. I understand the local philanthropy part. Is it religious in nature, a club, a cheap place to drink and eat, play poker? I guess I am a little concerned about the unknown. thanks though.

If you stop by the lodge hall in your town, they will tell you all you need to know before joining. The old saying in masonry is "2b1, ask1. Meaning, just ask someone that is a mason, in your town, and they should steer you to joining if you so wish. They don't solicit members, but they will help you if you ask. Basically, if is a lot like a brotherhood club. There are websites all over the net that will answer your questions. Most lodges do some kind of philanthropy work. The Shrine side of masonic bodies are just a fun group in masonry, that raise and contribute tons to children's hospitals nationwide.
I've searched the net and it really is vague. I understand the local philanthropy part. Is it religious in nature, a club, a cheap place to drink and eat, play poker? I guess I am a little concerned about the unknown. thanks though.
Not religious, but they do require a belief in a supreme being of your choice. It's more like a fraternity, but based on the sovereignty of God(your particular god), and the brotherhood of man. No drinking in any lodge that I know of. There is nothing in it that will conflict with your god, or your family.

I've searched the net and it really is vague. I understand the local philanthropy part. Is it religious in nature, a club, a cheap place to drink and eat, play poker? I guess I am a little concerned about the unknown. thanks though.
I found a link to the Grand Lodge of Florida that might help you, Bodeen. If you are an upright man of honor, I'm sure Florida would be glad to have you.

Freemasonry is the oldest, largest Fraternity in the world. Its members have included Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Statesmen, Generals, Admirals, Supreme Court Chief Justices, corporate CEOs, opera stars, movie stars, and probably, your next door neighbor.

And Masonry is always ready to welcome good men in the Fraternity.

It's ready to welcome YOU, if in your heart you can answer "yes" to a few questions.

Do you believe that there is such a thing as honor, and that a man has a responsibility to act with honor in everything he does?

Masons teach that principle. We believe that a life not founded on honor is hollow and empty -- that a man who acts without honor is less than a man.

Do you believe in God?

No atheist can be a Mason. Masons do not care what your individual faith is -- that is a question between you and your God -- but we do require that a that a man believe in a Supreme Being.

Are you willing to allow others the same right to their own beliefs that you insist on yourself?

Masonry insists on toleration -- on the right of each person to think for himself in religious, social and political matters.

Do you believe that you have a responsibility to leave the world a better place than you found it?

Masonry teaches that each man has a duty not only to himself but to others. We must do what we can to make the world a better place. Whether that means cleaning up the environment, working on civic projects, or helping children to work or read or see -- the world should be a better place because we have passed through it.

Do you believe that it is not only more blessed to give than to receive, it's also more fun?

Masons are involved with the problems and needs of others because we know it gives each of us a good feeling -- unlike any other -- to help. Much of our help is given anonymously. We're not after gratitude, we're more than rewarded by that feeling which comes from knowing we have helped another person overcome some adversity, so that their life can go on.

Are you willing to give help to your Brothers when they need it, and to accept their help when you need it?

Masonry is mutual help. Not just financial help (although that's there, too) but help in the sense of being there when needed, giving support, lending a sympathetic ear.

Do you feel that there's something more to life than financial success?

Masons know that self-development is more precious than money in the bank or social position or political power. Those things often accompany self-development, but they are no substitute for it. Masons work at building their lives and character, just as a carpenter works on building a house.

Do you believe that a person should strive to be a good citizen and that we have a moral duty to be true to the country in which we live?

Masons believe that a country is strong as long as freedom, equality, and the opportunity for human development is afforded to all. A Mason is true to his government and its ideals. He supports its laws and authority when both are just and equitably applied. We uphold and maintain the principles of good government, and oppose every influence that would divide it in a degrading manner.

Do you agree that man should show compassion for others, that goodness of heart is among the most important of human values?

Masons do. We believe in a certain reverence for living things, a tenderness toward people who suffer. A loving kindness for our fellow man, and a desire to do right because it is right. Masonry teaches that although all men are fallible and capable of much wrong, when they discover the goodness of heart, they have found the true essence of virtue. Masonry helps men see their potential for deep goodness and virtue.

Do you believe that men should strive to live a brotherly life?

Masons see brotherhood as a form of wisdom, a sort of bond that holds men together -- a private friendship that tells us we owe it to each other to be just in our dealings and to refuse to speak evil of each other. Masons believe a man should maintain an attitude of good will, and promote unity and harmony is his relations with one another, his family, and his community. Masons call this way of believing in the Brotherhood of Man. It really means that every Mason makes it his duty to follow the golden rule. This is why Masonry has been called one of the greatest forces for good in the world.


Freemasonry offers much to its members -- the opportunity to grow, the chance to make a difference, to build a better world for our children. It offers the chance to be with and work with men who have the same values and ideals -- men who have answered "YES" to these questions.

It's easy to find out more. Just find a Mason and ask him about Masonry. You probably know several Masons. Perhaps you've seen the Square and Compasses like the one on this page or on a pin or tie tack or bumper sticker. If you know where the lodge is in your community, stop by or look up the number of your local Masonic lodge in the phone book and ask for the secretary of the lodge. He'll be happy to help you.

Have you ever considered becoming a Mason? We'd like a chance to talk with you. Please contact us at

Grand Lodge of Florida

That Florida email address opens a link to their main page. I never could get it to do an email address. On the main page it does.
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Make sure you get a bonafide Masonic lodge. My Stepson is in the Masons and he said there are spinoffs of the original Masons now. Some are not quite the same as the original according to him.

I do not know much about them other than what I heard from my Dad. He was a Mason from about 27 yrs old on till he died. He was 32nd Degree whatever that means. I did read some of the books he had around the house and ended up later giving them to my Stepson along with all the other Masonic stuff Dad had (after Dad and Mom both died). Hence I surmise that got him interested in it. According to what I read the original Mason's were Jewish Craftsman who abided by a strick code of craftsmanship and moral character, but that is just what I got out of reading it, not the gospel on it.

They offer a burial service for all members.
I remember a Jewish Craftsman (carpenter) with high moral character who lived over 2000 years ago.:s
I remember a Jewish Craftsman (carpenter) with high moral character who lived over 2000 years ago.:s

Right on Rubyred. It makes you stop and think.....:eam

Yes that is true, Dad had a special Masonic Bible that spoke in detail of the design of the old traveling Jewish tent tablenacle with even details on the golden seat. But I don't recall anything from reading that said the Mason's are directly connected to that Carpenter persay. In earthly time the Mason's preceded his arrival as the Lamb for sacrifice.

In more Universal time that particular craftsmen that you guys are speaking of precluded the foundation of the world (and the Masons).

Most Masons are very honorable men. I have known a few, but never was one.
Mike Comrie

Member of:
Punta Gorda Lodge 115
Sahib Shrine
Fort Myers Court 170

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