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Lowering my 2006 fatboy


Active Member
I have removed the rear shocks from my 2006 fatboy. too change out the top adjusters and put in the ones to lower it. but i am unable to remove them
they only seems to screw down and up then they stop out both ways. could anybody give me some advise please...
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yes have the rear shocks out and i have even tried to hold the main cylinders in a vise and i still can't get them out..
It sounds as if you are trying to remove the threaded portion of the shock here. You have to remove a snap ring in the groove at the top of he shock to get this out. Usually the lowering kits are added to this section like an extension and not a replacement.
Those instructions will work with any similar kit you purchase, since they basically the same now. You can also print or save that PDF file to take with you to the shop.
thank you very much your advice help out great when i got the kit it did not have any instruction :bigsmiley17: