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Leg Cramps

All good advice here. Keeping hydrated, bananas, adjust controls and a seat that allows circulation of lower extremities would be good too.

Bananas are best though. 8 zillion monkeys concur that they are the perfect food. Wash them down with plenty of water and stay off the soft drinks. :)
I do not get them during my ride sorry I was not claer about that. If I go for a long ride lite I did today then at about 3:00 am I am jumping out of bed to try and walk it out. It's just the right which I am guessing it's do to breaking as I put my left down and the r foot always on the brake at a stop.
I used to get the hip cramp but found a stretch that takes care of that. Most of the advice here has been good but one thing you should be aware of, cramps in the leg muscles could be a warning for other things as well, ie circulation. So make your doc aware you are having these. It may seem unimportant now but far too important to ignore.
I got cramps when diving. Doing the deep tech stuff means carrying almost two hundred pounds of gear which doesn't move through the water that easy. Add currents and the legs get a workout. Dehydration is one issue and potassium another. Instead of bannanas, I have a bottle of potassium pills I take before splashing. They help a lot.
Another thing that relieves cramps, Tonic Water (known to the guys 'cross the pond as "bitters"). Drink one 8oz glass about once every 2 weeks...or if you get the cramps, works after just about an hour after drinking. After taking certain meds, the side effects was cramps, and had to take Quinine capsules...decided to forget that noise when I read an advertisement for Schwepps Tonic Water and read contents (told you I read everything)...realized tonic water had a tiny bit, asked the doctor if I could try it instead, and did that instead...worked great, that was about 15 years ago, one less med from the shoebox works!
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