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I own a problem child

Thanks all for your welcome, in reply to your questions, itt has 17,000 miles and 13,000 since the conversion. The oil is hitting the floor in the center front(keeping in mind it's a trike), it doesn't seem to matter if it's hot or cold. It is hard to tell where it's coming from buy looking up at it, maybe I should take it to a reputable wrench and have it looked at? Thanks again.

Maybe you should try what was suggested first. Could save you some money.
Center front would be in the oil filter area. It could also be coming from the front lifter block running down the front of the motor, but normally it would be blown to the rear area by the wind when riding. Check to make sure your oil filter is good & tight, by hand only. If you recently had the oil/filter changed then residue from the filter change can accumulate under it in that area and small drips will be present for a while, depending on how well it was cleaned to start with.
You say it started dripping recently. Like soon after an oil change? Oil is often spilled onto the front of the engine when the filter is removed. It could be residual from that, or the filter might not be tight. Clean the area thoroughly from cylinders on down. Then when it drips, trace the oily spot upwards.
I gave it all your ideas a try and she still dribbles, can't tell if she drips while going down the road but when I stop, it drips may be a teaspoon in the overnight hours. I done the oil change(mobile 1 synth 20-50, chrome filter hand tight) is there a possibility of a gasket leaking under there? There is no oil any where else. It's right where the frame parts come togather so you can't see anything. I am going to try the dye if I can find some in different colors, any idea? thanks again.

Gasket on the filter could be bad or deformed for some reason. You could try replacing the filter and see if that takes care of the drip. Maybe give it a little more of a turn with a filter wrench as well. I’m not a big believer that hand tight is tight enough.Check with some auto parts stores for the dyes.
On the left side of the motor, near the end of the oil filter is your crank positioning sensor(CPS). It has an O-Ring on it. It is held in place with 1 Allen screw. I have seen them leak as well. Jeff's idea is also a good point concerning the filter. Clean all that area good with a brake cleaner first when trying to find the leak. The CPS that leaked on me was a very small leak. It would just get the area around it wet while idling on my bench, over time it would run down the front of the motor then blow back around the stator plug, inner primary area, and up to the cylinder base gasket/o-ring area. Hard to find because of so much coverage due to wind blow by.
Be carefull when removing and install the oil filter do to the crank sensor location, it can be damaged with a filter wrench, I use a filter strap when removing and installing, just be sure to clean the adapter surface and put zome oil on the seal, and don't over tighten it.