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I Am Done With January...It Can Go Away And Never Return...

Quick had a setback due to a disease she was diagnosed with late last year that attacked her upper respiratory system so she spent 10 days in ICU, 5 of them on a ventilator and sedated. That was a long year last week for sure. It was the first time in 74 years mom has been down like that. She is better and at home now. She will now start a treatment for her myasthenia gravis that will essentially knock out her immune system, so we will have to really watch out for her, so we do not carry in something that will make her sick. :( I am usually pretty good about knowing if I do not feel right, but I have a sister who loves to have something wrong with I hope she will quarantine herself accordingly. :( But the good news is that so far, mom is getting better every day. ;)

Now for dad, he couldn't hardly do anything for nearly a month. It would wear him out to go to the hospital to see mom. Then suddenly, on Saturday, he decided he was in good enough shape to drive, so he went to town, (we are talking like 6 miles, round trip), stopped by Hardee's to see his old car buddy's, then went home, tinkered on the two older model cars that they keep around for dad to run up to his brothers cabin with, as well as raking the leaves out of the ditch along the driveway (not a short driveway either), and filled the pot hole at the end of the bridge! Sunday, he went back to town to a local guy who sets up a little flea market and to see his car buddies again. Today however, he said that he was so sore he could hardly wiggle. I wonder why? :) But thankfully, both parents are doing well all things considered.

I do not forget that as bad as this year has seemed, that everything could have been so much worse. ;)

Now for the puppy updates: Well, our new puppy, Fergus is growing like a bad weed! Since I have been back in West Virginia so much, I have had the joy to go up and visit quite often. When I was there 3 weeks ago, we weighed all the puppies. Fergus was 60.92 oz. The 'runt' was only 25.81 oz. (There were 12 mouths fighting for 8 spouts). 2 weeks ago when I was there, Fergus was 86.47 oz. So he essentially gained a 'Boots'. :D But Boots is doing well, and he gained 7 oz that week. He has been getting extra feedings and is doing well. And he is adorable!

I keep trying to convince Steve to take all the puppies that have not been claimed yet, but he still says no. HOWEVER, there has been a new development in our plan! One of Ozzie & Maggie's litter mates is being returned to the Rozzi's. (They had a 'puppy contract' for anyone that they did not personally know that stated that if for whatever reason, someone did not want or could not keep their dog, that they would get first refusal). They have offered us this dog as well. If he does not work out with our 14 year old lab, then we will return him to them. Regardless, he will go to a good home. They sent us a picture of him today, he looks just like Oz! So, I will pick him up this weekend when I am there, then I will be back down there the 1st weekend in March for a car show with my dad, and we will get Fergus then.

So things are looking brighter, even though we took a couple more body blows it seems. ;)

Thanks for all the love & support here, if you can keep the prayers for my parent's coming, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thanks Joel, dad really had me worried. He has never talked like he wouldn't recover like he did with this fall. ;) But, it is almost car season, and he did have me sign 'us' up for a weekend show less than 2 weeks away. :)
Sometimes when you think their down and out they become the energizer bunny and keep going and going.
Thanks for the update and keep up the faith.
If you need any more dogs to brighten your life there are 2 border collies here that i could do with a break from ;)

If you need any more dogs to brighten your life there are 2 border collies here that i could do with a break from ;)


Haha, Brian, I do love Border Collies! :)

A very smart looking dog!

Thank you all, we just keep on keeping on. I have always said things might beat me down, but they wouldn't beat me. My mom & dad are definitely a tough pair. ;) I was definitely beat down in January. :O