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Hogsnot Oil?

No matter how I add it up, I can't get much over about $70-$75 for a complete service (3 holes) for all the oils and filter using Mobil oils.

I wouldn't skimp on the oils in anything I own, it's like checking the yellow pages for a heart specialist that doesn't charge much.

Within reason, you usually get what you pay for even thou the oil is overpriced.
Oh don't get me wrong. I'm all for saving money. What I am saying though what expense are you saving money??...
Believe it when I tell you....after working 35 years as a spent on regular oil & filter changes are the cheapest insurance you can buy toward a long and trouble free engine life.
I will say again though.....Personally, I will stick with a major manufacturer for my oil, for all the reasons I previously stated.
I don't skimp either, but I do feel it's a little expensive. $13 bucks a quart+8.9% sales tax. 3 quarts in the engine. $15 bucks + 8.9% sales tax for oil filter from the dealer. I'm not certain on the primary but I think last time I bought a quart of formula + they raised the price to $12 bucks. and the spectro 6 speed is $19 + tax.

So full service for me is ($13 X 3) + $15 + 12 + 19 + 8.9% tax.= $92.57

I know you cant blame anyone but the for tax but even with out the tax it's $87
The price of engine oil kept going up and up withe the price of oil and gas on the market, now that the price has come down ($1.45 a gallon here) The oil has stayed high. I guess on the bright side with the cheaper gas I got a little extra cash to buy over priced oil:D
WOW, we pay around $9 for M1 V Twin here. The spectro just went up but was paying $16 for that and the Formula+ I think ran about $6-7. The filters about $14 but with -10% it saved some cash even with the tax.

HD= Hundred dollars:D
This spring that's about what I was paying over here too, but as summer months came and the price of gas kept going up so did our oil. I thought at first maybe it was just one store so I started shopping around, but I found the same thing everywhere I went.:(
$16.13 for shipping Saves me $1.50 a quart. Thanks Glider I really do appreciate the thought. I buy most of my oil from small locally owned shops. I'm not real particular about witch one, there's a few around here, but I feel it's important to keep the "little guy" employed.:s
Oh don't get me wrong. I'm all for saving money. What I am saying though what expense are you saving money??...
Believe it when I tell you....after working 35 years as a spent on regular oil & filter changes are the cheapest insurance you can buy toward a long and trouble free engine life.
I will say again though.....Personally, I will stick with a major manufacturer for my oil, for all the reasons I previously stated.

I agree i have seen more than one motor let go from using cheap oil ..Oil and filter is cheap that car engine / v twin/ heck even lawn mower engine isnt
I just put the redline primary lube right before the really cold weather hit....Thanksgiving I believe and it was 14.99 for me. I guess stuff just cost more in Wa.
I don't know if I'd buy something from an unknown entity. I'm sticking with the tried and true.
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