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Hip Replacement

Good luck Goose, I don't know much about hip replacements other than my grandmother had one in the late 80's & did pretty well, but she didn't ride motorcycles. :s My dad had his left knee done about 2 years ago and he will be getting his right knee done later this year I think. It was pretty rough at first, but he was up and walking on it the next day. Therapy hurts, but it is the key. Take care & good luck. You will have friends here to support you while you recoup. :s
I had a hip replacement in feb. 06 at 48 years old and I wish I'd done it two or three years sooner. I never had any real pain after the surgery or during rehab compaired to what I was used to before the operation. I was up and walking with cruches in a few hrs. and was using just a cane after a week and a half. They kept me home from work for 6 weeks but I felt ready after 3 weeks. I haven't had any problem since.

My mom was going to get a hip replacement but opted to try injections first. 3 months later she's pretty happy. One good thing the Doctor said is that hip replacements are much easier to perform and have a much better success rate than knee replacements.
Tried the injection and that helped for a while. Hopefully I will be able to ride by Memorial Day. 46th B-day is the 31st and that will be a little over 6 weeks.
Thanks for the replies.
At 70 yrs old I had my left hip done on January 2nd. I am walking now and only use a cane when I am tired. My recovery has been longer than most it due to some hardware in my pelvis from a major fracture some 20 years ago. There is still some pain and it is calmed by walking,and light pain meds. I haven't been on the bike yet but it will be soon. I should have done it 10 years ago when my healing was faster. Don't wait, you'll feel much better very quickly.:D
Heading down to Pharr TX on the 29th for a week of R&R with the family. Looking forward to not seeing snowbanks for a while and hoping they're gone when I get back on the 7th. One week of work then going under the knife. Thanks for the replies and well wishing.

Heading down to Pharr TX on the 29th for a week of R&R with the family. Looking forward to not seeing snowbanks for a while and hoping they're gone when I get back on the 7th. One week of work then going under the knife. Thanks for the replies and well wishing.


Hope yours turns out GREAT..

Let us know under this thread as I'll be watching...

I need Not put Mine off much longer.

obama care will say "NO" & just send me "That" video on how to leave this world gracefully. (cheaply)

Heck, I'm NOT ready for a honda yet........:newsmile011:

Best of luck to you with your hip, it is a real shame our bodies wear out like this, wishing you more miles in the saddle