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Heated gloves?

I agree with Gerbing product.
I installed the heated hand grips and used them a bit, but after reading about the problems with I took them back and went with the gloves.

They get very warm. Warmer than I can stand when on max. On the product literature the heating range goes to 135F.

You should really get the controller to avoid this.
I do have the controler. I was just describing how hot they can get when on the maximum setting.
Anyone have any experience with using the new battery operated ones?

I wonder if they are worth the $150 - $200

I just got a pair of the battery operated Harley gloves. The cost is high, but, other than the plug in type, I had no choice. I would have considered heated grips but my 09 CVO can't be fitted with em. Besides by the time you buy the grips and have them installed, you'd sail right passed the cost of the gloves.
The Harley gloves work good and aren't too combersome (other than the weight of the battery which goes into a little pocket on the back of the glove) cuz they are only heated on the back of the glove. If it weren't for the batteries, they'd be quite simular to a pair of good, heavy gauntlet type gloves.The battery life is short, only an 1 hour on the highest setting, about 4 hrs on the lowest but they recharge quickly, about 15 minutes.. There are 4 settings, the lowest is almost inperceptable. I usually set mine on the second setting for riding in the morning to work, maybe 50deg outside.The highest setting won't burn ya but it'll toast the backs of your hands pretty good. I like em and can see where I'd use them for things besides riding, football games, snow park visits, stuff like that.
So which is it the wired or the hybrid from gerbing do you prefer the hybrid is both wired and batt operated the g3 are wired p.s the batts and charger cost additional 100 clams making the total 300 semolians.
I also have a set of Gerbings Gloves and they are the leather backed onesand wired direct. They are 2 years old and I paid 170 for them, then the foot pads so I had to go with the dual controller. It took a long time to finally spend the bucks, but I should have done it a long time ago. The quality is FANTASTIC, I had the First Gear set from Cycle Gear and they were cold and didnt have half the heat elements Gerbing does. Long and short of it the Gerbings are the way to go.
I've been using my G3 gloves and heated long sleeve vest for 6 years and love it on a cold day. I use the two way controller to dial-in each separately. If you live where it gets cold or ride in the mountains, you will never regret spending the money. The truth is it’s the best value for my money ever spent on motorcycle stuff.
One word of caution however; you will feel so invincible to the cold you may make the choice to ride when you should have kept the bike at home. On two occasions I decided to ride to work when I knew it wasn’t going to rain. The streets were dry, at least in front of my house. Knowing I would be completely comfortable even in 36 degrees, I hadn’t accounted for freezing fog which had turned into black ice on the road in the valley highway. I found myself drifting while changing lanes and than regretted moving into the fast lane. I than had to repeat to same maneuver to quickly get back to the right to keep from holding up the cars behind me. There is nothing more frightening than drifting on an icy road on two wheels going 55-60 mph.
These day I cut off my riding at 38 degrees regardless.