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Harley Oil Cooler flow direction?

Bubbie' idea works good, only thing that happens is the smoke and CO2 detector in my garage will go off after awhile 20 mins or so because the exhaust fumes accumulate, even with the garage door wide open...which is a good thing and a good idea to have both smoke and CO2 detectors in the a reminder that the fumes can be fatal (carbon monoxide is actually odorless.
If i want to run the engine for a while i just pull the bike out of the shed and park it at the side of the house the wind seems to be funneled between next door and my house so there is always a good breeze between the houses
and there is a wind farm about a mile away and it seems to generate lots of wind :D :D

If i want to run the engine for a while i just pull the bike out of the shed and park it at the side of the house the wind seems to be funneled between next door and my house so there is always a good breeze between the houses
and there is a wind farm about a mile away and it seems to generate lots of wind :D :D

Been trying to bite my tongue, but I got to throw my two cents in here. Idling a air cooled engine too long is not healthy, I've monitor engine temps in dyno rooms with two high dollar fans blowing across the engines and they will over heat, maybe not die or blow up right there and then, but if we pull our pistons out of our bikes, I'll bet mine look better then your's:) Every one to there own, bikes are about freedom and riding with out being hassled by the man, I just want to throw my line of though out for any newbes and give them tool's to decide. Right or wrong at lease I'm heard, that's what forums are all about, right?:)
That's right Chopper. I started mine the other day just to check out the clutch adjustment and to get the oil out of the engine and back into the tank. (Heritage) I had a large barn fan blowing across the motor the whole time. The head temps showed 270 on the laser gun in 5-7 minutes so I shut it down. The oil temp only got to 98 in the same time. I only had it idling and never even reved it up.
Geezer the other side of the fence is if the engine is not fully warmed up then shut off you put mosture in the oil (the hot cold thing) although at 270 degrees your engine was at operating temp. If you go by any dealer in the north country that rides their bikes out in the morning then rides them back inside in the evening in the winter, pull a dip stick out of one of them and you'll see thick milky white stuff, that's water in the oil. It will go away after riding the bike awhile, but if let to sit too long with it in the engine un-started is not healthy. That's why you'll see dealers pushing there bikes in and out, rather the ride them, if they have it together. Just my opinion:)

Geezer I forgot to say I would have no problem at all doing what you done, I just wouldn't do it too often in the winter.
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Gotcha! Everything checked out as far as my adjustments so now I'm happy. Thought it would be nice to hear it run again, and it was but now I'm more anxious to ride! I'll leave him alone now till spring. Can't wait.