Whatever feels comfortable, sometimes I do one, sometimes I do both. Usually if I am making a left I will put the right foot up, but if I am on a hill then have to do both. Otherwise, whatever comes to me at that given time. The rider coaches at the course tell you to do what works for you, just get some speed, get balanced, keep your head up, looking and go.
It takes the fewest brain cells to do it the same way every time instead of constantly analyzing right turn/left turn/uphill/downhill/sunshine/rain/etc.
Personally, I always have both feet on the ground at a stop and lift them onto the boards/pegs together. Biggest exception to this is facing uphill on a pretty steep hill - then I let my right foot hold the brake so right hand can concentrate on throttle and not have to do any braking.
Careful Dave, you're going to have all your questions answered before you get to your rider's class!
we are taught over here to come to a stop and keep the right foot on the rear brake as a safety measure, now i have passed my test and been riding for sometime it now is second nature.
If i am sat in traffic yeah right i filter baaby, but if icannot filter i will put both feet down and wait.