Hello, Help!! I have a '04 Rd Kng shrine FI Stage 1 a/c and 6200 rpm limit was put on by dealer in Detroit by 1st owner(I'm the 2nd). He left stock pipes on. I have Kerkers with mikuni 2" baffles ordered(coming )and bought a used PC3-USB(off E-Bay--no cables),bought a sert(un-opened with cables and CD) off E-Bay, and have a chance to get a Dynatek(DFCH-3) from a buddy cheap!! There is no one around with-in 1 1/2 hrs from me that can install the sert(I have looked at threads,post?) and I'm not even sure I need this.(will sell if not). I installed the PC(original owner said it was programed for a bike similar to mine but had V&H slips. Seemed to work OK until I washed babydoll down and tried to start and both turn signals started blinking(in the speedo) and a bus error code displayed!!(that's what flashed). Freaked out and took right side cover off and pulled the PC off!!. Water was pouring out of it. Let it dry out for a couple of days and fired it up(with-out PC) and seems to run good now.(engine light comes on twice(about 8 secs.) but after reading the post I will clear same(hopefully,no problems).Since then just waiting on pipes.Dynatek seems to fit the bill(go to injecters,screw-pots)Should I !?