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Does your bike have a name?

When I first got the EG and my daughter wanted to know where I was, my wife would say I was with my black girl friend.

Got the bike from Brimingham Al so I call it Black Betty.
Bike Names....

LUCILLE; french meaning light, lightness....Mine is a blacker than black FXRS, thus LUCY ShagNasty & TimBeeker you both know...don't you....Greg:p
My bike is a Blue Heritage and the wifes bike is a blue heritage springer so they are known as Jake and Elwood together
My daughter is my favorite riding partner, I'm telling you right now, I doubt any 7 year old girl can ride for as long as she can...and willingly!! :bigsmiley16:

So I let her name my bike...she thinks my ride is a girl, and her name is Harley. God I love that kid! :D
All my vehicles have had names going back to 1991. Its a kid thing.

Currently my black and blue Heritage ST is named Bruiser.
My Sportster is named Scooter.
My old Virago was Vinnie.
My old Seca was Sport.

Haven't even gotten into all the cars my wife and I have owned or our boat!! :newsmile017:
When my 7 year old daughter saw my bike for the first time, she said it looked "Sparkly" because of the pearl paint job. So Sparkles it is. Not another word.