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Children as passengers

TQ, if Im not mistaken the state of Texas just passed a new law saying at least 5 yrs old. I heard of this new law about a month ago.
This is all very interesting. I have a grandson who is 2 and have beem wondering about how old he should be before taking him on a ride. I was guessing somewhere between 5 and 7. This has been a good topic and I can see a lot of fun has been had.
When my kids were young, ages 2 and 8, I put a sidecar on my new 1978 goldwing. We did a lot of family rides with that rig and the kids loved it :)
My daughter (12) has been asking me when she can ride. I have not bought her a helmet yet due to the concern I have for her when riding and possibly falling asleep. I am in the military and we and anyone who rides with you must have a helmet, eye protection, long sleeve shirt t-shirt at lest(sure that will help if you go down), long pants and boots going over the ankles along with full fingered gloves.
My rule is like the amusement park "you must be this tall for this ride". My passengers feet must reach the pegs. Even then, anyone under 18 usually only gets neighborhood rides. I couldn't handle being responsible for injuring a child. I'd rather be a known as a grouch.

My rule as well. I've taken my daughter on short neighborhood rides, she is 10, I worry more about her being able to hold on in a pinch than just simply reaching the pegs.
I've been giving thought about having my kids ride, as my wife and I both have our own bikes, but we rarely get to go ride together unless we are lucky enough to get a babysitter. My son is about to turn 7, and my daughter is 4-1/2, but nearly as big as my son. They have both asked if they can ride with us, but I've always said they had to be able to reach the pegs. I did take my son up and down the street at about 15 mph a couple weeks ago, but he kept letting go, so I'm not comfortable taking him on any type of "real trip."

I have seen adds for a Child Riding Belt... Has anybody had any experience with this? What are your thoughts about having your kids strapped to your back while you are riding?


Oh, here is the link for the Child Riding Belt...

Child Riding Belts Product Information Page
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No. I do not take kids on a ride.
This sport is far to dangerous to risk a kid, especially my grandkids getting hurt or killed. If they were a passenger and I went down and they were hurt I could not live with myself. Now when my grandkids become grown, then they can push me in my wheelchair to my Hawg, help me mount up and then I will take them for a ride. :newsmile100: but not until. My policy and position may not agree with them (and frankly I don't care) but, I'd rather have mad...than dead!
Not a kid, but the young lady of 87 years next door to me wanted a ride on a Harley for her birthday. She was never on a bike in her life, let alone a Harley......she loved it. :p :D
Not a kid, but the young lady of 87 years next door to me wanted a ride on a Harley for her birthday. She was never on a bike in her life, let alone a Harley......she loved it. :p :D
For a few minutes, that 87 year old lady was a kid again. :) My mother-in-law was the same way when my husband took her for a ride.

We have a friend who just turned 90, & I'm pretty sure that she will climb on the back of hubby's bike when she gets the chance. There will be pictures. :s