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Charging prob

OKay I got PO261....PO263...P0562....P1003

Okay the P1003 looks to me like the system relay contacts open whatever that means and the rest have to do with the injectors I think. Oh please tell me all i need is a new system relay...
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Another thing is you could have some "sneak" leakage path that is discharging the battery. You should be able to put a DMM in series with the main battery terminal, and only have 2mA (2/1000 Amp) caused by leakage loss from regulator, ECM, ICM and TSSM circuits. Anything more means you have to find out where that leakage is that is discharging your battery overnight.
PO261....Front injector open/low
PO263... Rear injector open low
P0562.... Battery voltage Low
P1003... System Relay contacts open.

I would not go too nuts with them until I got the charging system working again. They could all be due to the charging system not working.

So tell me. Do you want to do some meter testing or would you rather pass on that?
Yes i know a guy who has a volt meter and I plan on going over tomorrow to test this. So in your opinion could the system relay be the cause of my battery and engine light problem?
Yes i know a guy who has a volt meter and I plan on going over tomorrow to test this. So in your opinion could the system relay be the cause of my battery and engine light problem?

I would say no. Error codes have a priority ladder of importance. Some can be generated just because another exists. If the battery voltage is low, several erroneous codes can be generated. Therefore my approach would be to get the P0562 code cleared 1st. Then see if the Relay code goes away or comes back.
We know the P0261 & P0263 can not really be 100% true because the bike does run. It may not run good, but it runs. How can both injector circuits be open electrically, and the bike still run at all.
The charging circuit does not go through the system relay. You should have a working charging system even if the relay was removed. (bike wont run without it but if it did, the alternator would generate current.)
The system relay powers the fuel pump, so if the bike is running, the contacts must be closed.
Okay, I'll clear the codes the PO562 first and go from there. It has a four day old Harley battery in it so I know that is at least good. Thanks for all the help.
When I say "clear that code first" I do mean correcting the reason for it,, not just resetting or erasing the code from the speedo.

I would perform the steps that were earlier mentioned using a meter..
That will shed some light on what is going on. Lets see what tomorrow brings.
Well to tell you the truth I'm hoping if I erase the codes they will never return. Just wishful thinking.

Service Bulletin TT322
July 26, 2007
2007 XL Models with Discharged Batteries or Very Low Voltage

Harley-Davidson has found some ’07 Sportsters where the batteries are going dead after a night of sitting. The root cause is water intrusion. Water can run down the harness, funnel into the fuse block area, and then bridge the system relay contacts. The system relay has constant power available on the 30 terminal.
When the system relay is activated, power goes to the ECM, and then the ECM sends power out to the IAC. The IAC will then run until the battery is fully discharged.
To prevent this issue, Electrical Contact Lubricant (p/n 99861-02) can be placed on the terminals and base of the system relay, and the receptacles at the fuse block. This will create a water barrier once the relay is installed into the fuse block.
Motorcycles exhibiting this condition could also have corrosion present, and if necessary, should have the relay terminals and receptacles cleaned with a wire brush or replaced. I found this while exploring this site. It could be the answer.

So if the system relay contacts are open like the error code says, this is what is draining my battery right?

Oh yeah, it's all coming together now after thinking about it. The system relay is the problem. I will buy a new one and wrap the fuse box so it's waterproof and I'm on the road again. This is also the reason it sometimes just turns over and will not start until I tap the fuse box in the area of the system relay. It wasn't working the fuel pump. This is the reason for the injector codes also. If anyone else has an 07 sporty that has these symptoms change the system relay and clean the receptacles in the fuse box. By George, I'm glad I found that article on this site......
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Oh yeah, it's all coming together now after thinking about it. The system relay is the problem. I will buy a new one and wrap the fuse box so it's waterproof and I'm on the road again. This is also the reason it sometimes just turns over and will not start until I tap the fuse box in the area of the system relay. It wasn't working the fuel pump. This is the reason for the injector codes also. If anyone else has an 07 sporty that has these symptoms change the system relay and clean the receptacles in the fuse box. By George, I'm glad I found that article on this site......

OK. It sounds like I need to mark this trouble ticket completed and close out this service call..
Not quite yet. I'll let you know.

No go on the system relay. A new one installed and the same o same o. Cleared the codes and they are back also. I should have stuck with my original plan weeks ago and tried a voltage regulator. I'm just not sure though if a bad vr would trip the battery and engine light. I could see the battery light but why the engine light?

Wait a minute. I took sandpaper to both relays starter and system and now I'm only getting one code and that is the PO562 which might go away also with a full battery charge because right now it's pretty dead. Oh, let it be.

Well, I took it off the charger for a minute and started it and kept revving it up until I got the lights. Same one code PO562. It looks like high rpms trigger the batteryand engine lights. Strange.

It needs to be taken out in the woods and put out of it's misery. Same problem only difference it's just one code now.

Okay, gave up and took it to a shop. The dreaded call awaits.
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