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Brake disc locks

A disk lock might encourage the casual thief, if alarmed it might attract enough attention to prevent a theft.

On the plus side, your insurance premium might be reduced as a result of the added precaution.

On the funny side, if using one of these devices, make sure you put it on the right way round.
I had been using an alarmed lock (125decibels) for a couple of weeks when I inadvertantly put it on with the keyhole facing the wheel.
With the solid rear wheel on the Sporty I had no way to use the key.
It took me a couple of minutes to remove the batteries to silence the thing screaming in my ear and twenty minutes with an angle grinder
to cut it off without damaging the bike.
Doh! :)

Another priceless forum lesson - thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the guidance. Sound wisdom is always appeciated!
I'm going to go with the alarm type, and park the bike, when I need to leave it, in a situation that it would almost have to be picked up. It is true about how fast the thieves work, but, I have to at least try to deter, or maybe let them choose an easier target. Of course, a Triumph cover may deter most of these people, figuring they cant start it either.
Any other anti-theft protection you would recommend? I will not go the mounted alarm route as TV talk shows has proven how fast a thief can disarm a 1000.00 system.
Here is a picture of the disc rotor lock that I purchased, it works great. If you purchase a lock, don't forget to get a reminder cord. You can purchase the lock in Yellow or Orange and maybe other colors as well.

Have a great day.


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"unless your bike is chained to an unmovable object (or a EDIT ) its at risk!"

I always lock my bike up to my rotweiler!!! :shock
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Here is a picture of the disc rotor lock that I purchased, it works great. If you purchase a lock, don't forget to get a reminder cord. You can purchase the lock in Yellow or Orange and maybe other colors as well.

Have a great day.

its what I got and sometimes use....but being honest I love the orange
I have also considered chaining the bike to Rosie O'Donell.... I'm thinking who wants to steal that! and then have to listen to it. OR worse if they take it to a chop shop who would even buy her parts?!!?!?!?!?!?
I have also considered chaining the bike to Rosie O'Donell.... I'm thinking who wants to steal that! and then have to listen to it. OR worse if they take it to a chop shop who would even buy her parts?!!?!?!?!?!?

oh thats so bad its good!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Sound wisdom is hard to beat! you would have to approach slowly, with ear plugs, just in case she began to speak. Similar to the screech of a car alarm at first then you realize that she is speaking english, but you just cant take it.
I have also come up with putting a Yamaha cover over the bike while parked?!?!?!?!