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ATF in primary (again,sorry)

I use HD primary fluid. But from alot of experience building automatic transmissions, there is nothing in our primary thatATF will harm one bit. the clutch pack, the sprockets or chain. all those same parts are used in automatic transmissions, in much more severe duty. the one variable that is different is immediately obvious, those transmissions use pressurized fluid to lube everything, our primaries are not.
All in all, use what works for you.
I had an elderly customer, who owned quite a number of over the road trucks. everyone he bought he drained all the fluids, and ran straight 40weight Delo400 in everything. engine, trans, rears, powersteering, etc.
never had a problem dong that. and that was in transmissions and rears that called for up to140W gear oils.
people use what people like.
My brother was a engine machinest, engine builder. The shop that he worked in had a few old timers. My brother built a lot of drag race and stock car engines and the oil of choice was straight weight 30 Kendall.

Passenger vehicle manuel trans from the factory use ATF because it shifts easier in cold weather.

I use Rotella T diesel engine oil in my primary and have not had any bad experience. Neutral is easy to find and there is no clutch slippage or creeping.

ATF is formulated for automatic transmission...which mechanically must be a compromise...fluid drive in the torque converter, thin enough to get into tiny hydraulic throttle body passages, have "just" the right friction coefficient for clutch disc pack and band composition (Ford, Chrysler and GM all used different formulas for this reason), it was also designed to lubricate seals and in some cases "swell them" slightly. Do you really want to add it to your Primary which does not have the same balance or needs. Doesn't make sense...just like you would not mix ATF Dextron with ATF "F" ...which then begs the question..."Which one"???!!! LOL...Like Smitty says...your ride you decide. When you come up with a multi-million dollar facility to do the R&D we'll see...otherwise you are on your own!

Stick with Glider's recommendation using an approved PRIMARY only lubricant. If your clutch and chain is in there (like my Sportster) Spectrol Primary Chain/Clutch lube that is approved, or plain "ordinary" Formula + goes in mine...ATF? no way! I am not THAT into receipes, no wine vinager, or peanut oil for taste please...though if you really want to go green it IS better for the environment, of course adding your Harley to the landfill is NOT!!!! :eek:)